S KIN C ANCER Kathy Sheriff, RN, BSN
S KIN C ANCER One in five Americans Crucial risk factor—over exposure to UV radiation in sunlight Other cases, frequent irritation of the skin by infections, chemicals, or physical trauma Benign or metastatic
B ASAL C ELL C ARCINOMA Least malignant and most common (80%) Stratum basale cells multiply invading the dermis and hypodermis Located most often on sun-exposed areas of the face Shiny, dome-shaped nodule, later develops a central ulcer with a pearly, beaded edge Slow growing Rare metastasis 99% full cure after surgical excision
S QUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA Second most common Keratinocytes of the stratum spinosum Scaly, reddened papule Location, most often on the head and hands Grows rapidly Metastasizes Prognosis good if diagnosed early Surgical excision and radiation
R ISK F ACTORS Light colored skin Long term, daily exposure to the sun Many severe sunburn early in life Many xrays Elderly Chemical exposures
M ELANOMA Cancer of the melanocytes Most dangerous, leading cause of death from skin disease Highly metastatic Resistant to chemotherapy 2-3% of skin cancer, but is increasing rapidly (3- 8% per year in the US) Can begin wherever there is pigment Appear spontaneously, about 1/3 develop from preexisting moles Chance of survival is poor if lesion is over 4mm thick
R ISK F ACTORS FOR M ELANOMA Use tanning devices Other risk factors include: Close relatives with a history of melanoma Coming in contact with cancer-causing chemicals such as arsenic, coal tar, and creosote Certain types of moles (atypical dysplastic) or multiple birthmarks Weakened immune system due to disease or medication
S YMPTOMS FOR M ELANOMA A mole, sore, lump, or growth on the skin can be a sign of melanoma or other skin cancer. A sore or growth that bleeds, or changes in skin coloring may also be a sign of skin cancer. The ABCDE system can help you remember possible symptoms of melanoma: A symmetry: One half of the abnormal area is different from the other half. B orders: The edges of the growth are irregular. C olor: Color changes from one area to another, with shades of tan, brown, or black, and sometimes white, red, or blue. A mixture of colors may appear within one sore. D iameter: The spot is usually (but not always) larger than 6 mm in diameter -- about the size of a pencil eraser. E volution: The mole keeps changing appearance.
T REATMENT FOR M ELANOMA Surgery Possible removal of lymph nodes Chemotherapy Interferon Radiation
Melanoma of the liver - MRI scan oma/MM00788
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