Challenges, Constraints and Limitations
Water Services Act Absence of independent regulator 12 active Water Boards 3 Recent disestablishments DWA institutional oversight
Operational Area Local government WSA -harness capacity of WB as WSP Bulk Water & Sanitation Implementing / supporting/ consulting agent
Water -quantity and quality – universal coverage -economic growth and fundamental development goals - supply, demand, affordability - augment supply – full cycle model & alternatives - environmental and ecological sustainability - Unaccounted for water / non- revenue water Infrastructure Operation Maintenance Expansion Costs Distance
Financial viability - WB Budget sensitivity Income Streams (Bulk Customers) Electricity and chemical costs Tariff setting Infrastructure costs – ability to raise funds
Governance – Ministerial Directives AG’s Summary Independent regulation tariff setting, cost of raw water, treatment costs, Performance monitoring
Acid mine drainage Managerial and technical skills Cross sectoral planning Efficiencies Economies of scale Monopolies