Industrial Relations Chapter 26
What does ‘Industrial Relations’ mean? Industrial relations refers to the relationship which exists between employers and employees. It is most important that this relationship is good.
Good Industrial relations Good Industrial Relations ensure that: Discussions take place on a continuous basis Disputes over wages, working conditions, etc can be settled quickly and without a strike taking place. Workers are happier in their work and are more productive
Bad Industrial Relations Bad Industrial Relations lead to: Disputes and strikes Loss of pay for employees Loss of profits for employers Workers looking for new jobs High levels of absenteeism and staff turnover
Industrial Relations What is a ‘Trade Union’? Trade Unions are organisations formed by workers to protect the interests of their members.
Trade Unions help their members in the following ways: Industrial Relations Trade Unions Trade Unions help their members in the following ways: They negotiate with employers for better wages, shorter working hours, longer holidays, safer working conditions, etc. They protect members from unfair dismissal They represent members in discussions with employer organisations and the government, on matters such as taxation, wages, etc.
There are 4 types of Trade Union Craft Unions White Collar Unions Industrial Relations Trade Unions There are 4 types of Trade Union Craft Unions White Collar Unions Industrial Unions General Unions
Industrial Relations Craft Unions Types of Trade Union Craft Unions Members belong to a particular trade and have served an apprenticeship eg.: Irish Actors’ Equity Union, Irish Master Butchers Federation White Collar Unions Members work in professional areas such as the civil service and teaching. eg.: ASTI Association of Secondary Teachers TUI Teachers’ Union of Ireland
Industrial Relations Industrial Unions Types of Trade Union Industrial Unions Members work in the same industry regardless of the work they do in that industry. It represents people working at different types of jobs in nursing, banking, etc. eg.: INO Irish Nurses Organisation, Prison Officers Association General Unions Members work in all types of industry such as manufacturing, cleaning, electricians, etc. eg.: Services Industrial Professional and Technical Union - SIPTU
Industrial Relations How is a Trade Union run? Trade Union members elect certain people (shop steward, general secretary, president) and committees to run the union.
What is a ‘Shop Steward’? Industrial Relations What is a ‘Shop Steward’? This is the local union representative and is elected by members for a term of one to three years. The main duties of a shop steward include: Recruiting new members Acting a as a link between members and union HQ and passing on any information received from head office. Negotiating with the employer on behalf of its members (employees)
Industrial Relations The Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) This is a voluntary body made up of member trade unions. Most trade unions in Ireland are affiliated to the ICTU. It provides one voice for all its members (unions) It consults with the government and the government on all matters of national interest eg.: wages, tax, social welfare Gives advice and training to trade unions Nominates people to the Labour Court and Labour Relations Commission.
The other party in industrial relations is the employer. Human resource (personnel) managers represent the employer in all discussions with workers/unions. Many potential disputes are settled when shop stewards and personnel managers meet
Employers organisations: Provide one voice for its members (employers) Industrial Relations At national level employers are represented by the Irish Business Employers Confederation (IBEC), the Irish Small and Medium Enterprises Association (ISME), Construction Industry Federation (CIF), etc. Employers organisations: Provide one voice for its members (employers) Represent employers in discussions with the Government Sometimes intervene if one of their members (an employer) is in dispute with a trade union It gives advice to its members
What is Collective Bargaining? Industrial Relations What is Collective Bargaining? This takes place between the Social Partners i.e. the Government, Trade Unions, Employers Organisations, etc They decide on the increase in the level of wages in an economy over a period of time. In return for keeping wages increases low, the government agrees to keep taxes low. Collective bargaining leads to the National Wage Agreements Theses agreements lead to Better industrial relations (less strikes) Lower costs, lower prices and increased sales and employment
The following are reasons for ‘Industrial Relations’ disputes: Pay Working Conditions Unfair Dismissal Redundancy Demarcation Discrimination
Workers might want higher wages. Industrial Relations Reasons for an Industrial Dispute Pay Workers might want higher wages. Workers might want extra pay for extra work done eg.: teachers getting paid for supervision Working Conditions Fewer hours of work Safer Work Areas eg.: Insisting on safety netting on scaffolding
Unfair Dismissal of Workers Industrial Relations Reasons for an Industrial Dispute Unfair Dismissal of Workers Ensuring that employees are fairly dismissed The Unfair Dismissals Act lays down what an unfair dismissal is, what is a fair dismissal is, the proper procedure for dismissing workers and the forms of redress workers are entitled to if they’re unfairly dismissed.
Employees are made redundant if there is no work available for them. Industrial Relations Reasons for an Industrial Dispute Redundancy Employees are made redundant if there is no work available for them. Conflict can arise over what employees are laid off first (Last In First Out [LIFO]) and the redundancy payment that they are entitled to. Demarcation This relates to doing the work one is employed and qualified to do eg.: an electrician doing the work of a plaster
Industrial Relations Unions can take 4 different types of ‘Industrial Action’ to back their claims: Work to rule Go slow Overtime ban Sit in Strike
Where employees will only do the exact work they were employed to do Industrial Relations Industrial Action Work to rule Where employees will only do the exact work they were employed to do Go slow Where employees do their work but do so as slowly as possible
Where employees refuse to do any overtime required by their employer Industrial Relations Industrial Action Overtime Ban Where employees refuse to do any overtime required by their employer Sit-in This is when workers refuse to leave their place of work Unions are rarely officially involved in a sit-in
Where workers stop working and place a picket on the employer. Industrial Relations Industrial Action Strike Where workers stop working and place a picket on the employer. If the strike is official it will have the backing of the union and the ICTU What is a Picket? This is when workers walk up and down outside their workplace carrying placards stating that a strike is taking place
Industrial Relations
A Win-Win solution for both sides should be the aim. Industrial Relations All disputes should be resolved at the earliest possible stage to ensure that both the employee and employer do not loose out. A Win-Win solution for both sides should be the aim. If the written down procedures are followed then strikes should not take place.
Union Official Head Office/employer Conciliation Arbitration Industrial Relations The following are the 5 steps in the resolution of an industrial dispute: Worker Supervisor Shop Steward Manager Union Official Head Office/employer Conciliation Arbitration
Industrial Relations Worker – Supervisor Resolution of Industrial Relations Disputes Worker – Supervisor The worker should firstly discusses the problem with their supervisor. If there is no agreement then they go on to step 2 Shop Steward – Manager The shop steward will then discuss the dispute with the manager. If there is no agreement we go onto step 3 Union Official – Employer A Union Official from head office will discuss the problem with the employer (who informs IBEC). If there is no agreement then we go onto step 4
Industrial Relations Conciliation Resolution of Industrial Relations Disputes Conciliation An acceptable person or organisation is asked to help both sides settle their dispute. This is an 3rd party or middle man. They encourage both sides to talk out their problems and help both sides reach a mutually acceptable, negotiated solution. They may suggest a way of solving the conflict. They cannot tell the parties involved what to do If there is no agreement we move onto step 5.
The decision is acted upon. Industrial Relations Resolution of Industrial Relations Disputes Arbitration An acceptable independent person or organisation is asked by both sides to examine the dispute and to make a decision which both sides gave agreed in advance to accept. The decision is acted upon.
Industrial Relations The Labour Court This is a court of last resort. Resolution of Industrial Relations Disputes The Labour Court This is a court of last resort. It is made up of a representative of employers, a representative of the unions and an independent chairperson. The labour Court investigates a dispute. They make recommendations having listened to both sides. These decisions are not legally binding but both sides are expected to consider them seriously. Usually both sides agree in advance to accept the recommendations of the labour court. This is called binding arbitration