ArcHydro – Two Components Hydrologic Data Model Toolset Credit – David R. Maidment University of Texas at Austin
ArcHydro – Data Model Hydrography Network Channel Drainage HydroFeatures Based on inventory of all features for an area Behavioral model – trace direction of water movement across landscape Credit – David R. Maidment University of Texas at Austin
Developed with National Hydrogrophy Dataset (NHD) in mind Tools intended to be used with NHD Integrated raster-vector database ArcHydro – Data Model Credit – David R. Maidment University of Texas at Austin
ArcHydro - Tools Set of tools used to derive end-products Flow network Hydrologically conditioned DEM Iterative, step-by-step approach with required inputs Raster several formats, vector utilizes geodatabase only
ArcHydro - Tools Set of tools used to achieve end-products Flow network Hydrologically conditioned DEM Catchment delineation Iterative, step-by-step approach with required inputs Raster several formats, vector utilizes geodatabase only Credit – David R. Maidment University of Texas at Austin
ArcHydro Pros Semi-automated derivation of key products Semi-supported Free Integrates data from multiple sources and of different types Cons Semi-automated Install can be difficult User interpretation and editing introduces subjectivity Need to know what default settings mean Few training resources
Hydrologic Applications
Hydrologic Modeling Process-based - try to represent the physical processes observed in the real world Dozens available – TOPMODEL, SWAT, HSPF, etc. Variables - Surface runoff, evapotranspiration, etc. Increasing GIS integration Predict response of hydrologic systems to changing variables, i.e. precipitation Credit – Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency
Hydrologic Modeling - Hydraulics Model hydraulics of water flow over land and through channels Assess peak discharge, volume estimates, runoff curve numbers, etc. HEC-RAS Increasingly GIS-based or integrated
Erosion Analyses Locate sites of likely gully and other streambank interface erosion Terrain Analysis approach – Stream Power Index (SPI) High SPI values indicate high potential overland flow Quantitative, spatial, repeatable
Water Storage Utilize LiDAR to accurately identify size, depth, and location of depressions in the landscape Reduce Peak Flows Reduce sediment and nutrients transported downstream
Water Storage NRCS will have tools available in the future to better calculate Rough calculation Perform Pit-fill Subtract original DEM from pit-filled DEM to locate larger depressions Multiple methods for determining volume
Floodplain Mapping/Delineation National Flood Insurance Program Local communities regulate development in floodplains Requires accurate floodplain maps 100 Year Flood boundary Keep building out of 100 year inundation area
Administered by FEMA Utilizes Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) Update process to digital (DFIRM) Floodplain Mapping/Delineation Credit – FEMA
Mimic flooding at various stages to determine land area and locations inundated Flood Inundation Area Mapping Needs Highly accurate land elevation data – LiDAR DEM Modeling Capabilities- Hydraulic Engineering Center–River Analysis System (HEC–RAS) Stream-gauge heights/peak-flow readings
Flood Inundation Area Mapping LiDAR DEM Hydrologic Conditioning Calibration Stream gauge Data Model (HEC- RAS) Conditioned DEM Flood Surface Elevations Inundation Area Map Credit – USGS
Flood Inundation Area Mapping Hydrologic Conditioning - Key Credit – USGS