Brian Smith February 2013 Erosion and Sediment Control, Landscape Design Criteria 1
Hierarchy of the Contract Documents 2 Special Provisions Plans Tollway Supplemental Specifications IDOT Recurring Special Provisions IDOT Supplemental Specifications Standard Specifications
Drainage Calculations The soil erosion and sediment control plan cannot be reviewed until all of the following information is submitted for each upcoming active construction phase: Calculations- Detailed calculations for the design of temporary sediment basins, permanent stormwater detention basins, diversions, channels, etc.. Include pre and post development runoff. 3
Temporary Pipe Slope Drains 4
Stone Outlet Structure Sediment Trap Design. 5 Base Sheets Show Typical Construction Details. It Is Not A Standard Drawing. Design is Required. Summary Table of Design Elements Provided.
Super Silt Fence 6
7 Silt Fence Used For Super Silt Fence
8 Regulatory Agencies
Erosion and Sediment Control Site Representative Shall have verification of attending an approved certification seminar on Erosion and Sediment Control or equivalent acceptable to the Tollway. Below are three resources available: Joliet Junior College Erosion Management Consultants Red Vector Online Professional Training Lake County Stormwater Management Commission Erosion and Sediment Control Site Representative Training
Clean Construction or Demolition Debris (CCDD) Design Bulletin No Guidelines for management of clean construction demolition debris (CCDD), Uncontaminated Soil used as offsite fill and Contaminated Soil. 10
Approved Materials and CCDD Facilities Lists
Questions ? 12