Earth Science
Major Themes Density Convection Plate Tectonics Surface Processes Evolution
Major Topics Interior of the Earth Density Solar system Big Bang Minerals Rocks: Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic Volcanoes Earthquakes Plate Tectonics Weathering, Erosion, Deposition Rock Cycle Streams and drainage patterns Landscape Types Glaciers Geologic History - evolution
Scientific Method Deduction – generalize from facts Induction – conclusion from generalizations (tautology) Scientific Method is Inquiry Nothing is ever “proven” –Make a Hypothesis –Design controlled experiment –Analyze results –Draw conclusions –Retest
Density Density = Mass/Volume (g/ml or g/cm 3 ) Archimedes 250 BC tested whether or not the King of Syracuse was cheated by a craftsman who replaced some of the gold in the King’s crown with silver.
Densities of some common materials
Convection in Earth
Interior of Earth