EU – FP7 - SSH Grant Agreement no S.A.M.P.L.E. Small Area Methods for Poverty and Living condition Estimates Brussels, 24 february 2011 Michela Casarosa, Province of Pisa Research for evidence policy- making: the role of a Public Administration in Sample project
The province of Pisa TUSCANY REGION 39 MUNICIPALITIES (LAU2) PROVINCE OF PISA (LAU1) 2 Provincial Offices involved in Sample Project The Provincial Social Observatory The European Policies and International Affairs Office 5 HEALTH’S SOCIETIES
The Provincial Social Observatory Annual Social Statistical BASE (data on demography, families, housing, justice, social assistance, third sector) Local SURVEY (gender violence, young people, immigrants, security) INVOLVEMENT of local Public Administration and third sector organisations NETWORK of 10 Provincial Observatories (health’s profile indicators) MONITORING SOCIAL PHENOMENA PARTICIPATORY APPROACH REGIONAL NETWORK
Why Sample Project… The lackness of poverty data at small area The need to compare our experience at european level The increasing relevance of poverty in our public social expenditure
The value added of a Public Administration in a research project A better finalization of the research to the NEEDS of POLICYMAKERS The knowledge of the TERRITORY The contact with local public and third sector ORGANIZATIONS The possibility to have access to administrative DATABASES
Our main findings Acquisition of administrative and third sector DATABASES Selection of poverty INDICATORS more relevant for policy planning The construction of the Provincial Social OBSERVATORY Caritas database Job center’s database Revenue Agency database Indicators of Tuscany Region Stakeholders Indicators Agreement with Caritas Network of 252 stakeholders
Regional Indicators First list of 300 indicators Meeting with referents of Health’s Societies Last list of 250 indicators INDICATORS FOR HEALTH’S PROFILE 1. Demographic profile 2. Health’s determinants 3. Health state 4. Essential levels of sanitary assistance 6. Social and sanitary assistance 2 objectivs: policies planning (health’s profile ex ante) policies evaluation (health’s profile ex post)
Some examples from regional indicators 1) DEMOGRAPHY – Indicators about: age structure, population composition 5) SOCIAL AND SANITARY ASSISTANCE – Indicators about: social expenditure distribution, assistance to persons in social distress 4) ESSENTIAL LEVEL OF SANITARY ASSISTANCE – Indicators about: hospitalization, medical screening 2) HEALTH’S DETERMINANTS – Indicators about: revenue, employment, lifestyle, ambient 3) HEALTH STATE – Indicators about: mortality (per age, typology, etc.), iIlness
Indicators proposals by stakeholders An important aim of Sample project: to achieve the POINT OF VIEW of local stakeholders on the relevance of indicators The instrument: a SURVEY The list of stakeholders: selection of 690 organizations The RESPONDENTS: 252 stakeholders
The questions 10 Local stakeholders Do they judge indicators relevant for policies planning? Do they judge indicators relevant for their activity? Do they know Laeken indicators? Do they know EU- SILC indicators? Public Administrations (37,2%) Associations (42,2%) Parishes and Caritas Counselling Centers (10,3%) Social Cooperatives (9,3%)
Quickly…other aims of the survey 1) Achieving stakeholders’ PERCEPTION of poverty level in their territory 2) Knowing stakeholders’ INFORMATION SYSTEM 3) Knowing their interest and their OPINION about: The construction of a POVERTY OBSERVATORY The Creation of a WEB PORTAL The usefulness of activities for the EMPOWERMENT of stakeholders NETWORK (meeting, training, etc)
Results: relevance of indicators
Results: proposal of new indicators
Results: opinion about proposals
Toward a knowledge-based planning Data and indicators Sample Software A simple visualization of data and indicators useful for planning Free distribution to other Public Administration Our involvement in the building of the software
Thanks for your attention! Contact : Michela Casarosa