Environmental Protection in the United States Christopher Green U.S. Embassy July 13, 2006
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Mission Statement Protect human health and to safeguard the natural environment – air, water, and land- upon which life depends Protect human health and to safeguard the natural environment – air, water, and land- upon which life depends
History of EPA Before EPA was formed, local or city governments were already taking actions to improve the quality of the environment But by the 1960s, increased population and industrialization degraded the environment so much that the issue became a national priority. The public demanded the government take action to protect the environment and the people’s health In April 1970, the first Earth Day was organized in the United States and 20 million people participated EPA was established that same year by an Executive Order by then President Nixon Currently, EPA has approximately 18,000 employees, covering Washington D.C., 10 Regions and 13 Research Laboratories
Major Environmental Statues Major Environmental Statues 1969 Clean Air Act (CAA) Amendmends (1990) 1970 Clean Water Act (CWA) Water Quality Act (1987) 1972 Clean Water Act (CWA) 1972 Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) 1974 Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) 1976 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 1976 Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) 1980 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), or “Superfund” 1990 Pollution Prevention Act 1990 Oil Pollution Act 1996 Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) 1999 Chemical Safety Information, Site Security and Fuels Regulatory Relief Act 2002 Public Health Security and Bio Terrorism Preparedness and Response Act
Program Offices Office of Air and Radiation Air and radiation program policy Environmental and pollution sources standards toxic air pollution health and ecological effects analysis Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances Pollution prevention, control, assessment, and inventory of pesticides and toxic substances Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response Hazardous waste standards and regulations Land disposal and waste Superfund Program (remediation of toxic sites) Emergency planning and response Office of Water Water policy and pollution prevention Drinking water, groundwater, wetlands, and marine protection
Functional Offices Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance National enforcement policy Investigations program National Environmental Policy Act compliance Office of International Affairs Cooperative programs with other nations and international organizations International technology diffusion International travel and visitors program Liaison with U.S. international agencies Office of Research and Development Ecological and health effects research Dissemination of scientific and technical knowledge Environmental risk assessments Standardization of analytical measurement and monitoring techniques
Staff Offices Office of Administration and Resources Management Administrative, human resources, health and safety, and facilities services, contracts and grants management Office of the Chief Financial Officer Strategic planning and accountability Budget, payroll, resources management, and financial management Office of Environmental Information Information strategies and policies Information infrastructure, security, integration, and quality Office of General Counsel Legal counsel and guidance, litigation support Office of Inspector General Promote economy and efficiency Fraud and abuse prevention and detection
EPA Regional Offices
EPA Organization Chart EPA Organization Chart