Paula J. Trigg, County Engineer Public Works and Transportation Committee May 1, 2013
Public Works and Transportation Committee: Spring 2013 Schedule Meeting Date Topic Feb 6Briefing Book Feb 6Project Preview: Large Projects Apr 3Overview/Source of Projects May 8Modernization Projects, Expansion Projects May 29Funding and Revenue Jun 5Project Listings Jun 26Draft Document
Five Year Highway Improvement Program LCDOT’s management philosophy sets system priorities: 1. Preservation 2. Modernization 3. Expansion 3
Priority One: Preservation Developing a set of projects ARGUS Pavement Management Software Keeping tabs on the system Asset Inventories $1.6 billion to build 4
Developing the Project Set ARGUS Pavement Management System Today is an introduction to ARGUS 5
Pavement Management Goal Make cost effective decisions For given 5 year budget levels: Where repairs are needed What repair strategies to use When the repairs should be done 6
Pavement Management System Components: County highway database Automated pavement testing Repair strategies with costs Pavement aging prediction Optimization program 7
County Highway Database Contains information on: Surface type Surface width Section area Traffic volumes Percentage of trucks 8
Automated Pavement Testing About 864 lane miles in system County is divided into quadrants One quadrant is tested each year Entire county is covered in four years 9
Automated Pavement Testing First: Laser Road Surface Tester (RST) measures… Cracking Rutting Ride quality 10
Automated Pavement Testing Second: Dynaflect deflection tester measures strength and condition of … Pavement Subgrade 11
Repair Strategies and Costs Two Groups of Roadway Priorities: (starting with program analysis) Four lane roads - 53 miles Two lane roads miles 12
Repair Strategies and Costs Microsurfacing Five resurfacing strategies Three “3R” strategies Three reconstruction strategies Associated per-square-yard costs 13
Pavement Aging Prediction Costs 14
ARGUS Summary does… Pavement Management System does… Assess the present condition of the system Estimate future road conditions Identify and rank road projects Maximize the condition of the system within the given budget 15
ARGUS Summary … does not… Pavement Management System does not… Replace professional judgment Provide certain detailed project-specific information 16
LCDOT ARGUS results Started in 1986 System condition has improved from a rating of 68 to 81 (on 100 scale) Area of backlog and failing pavement has been reduced from 55% to 13% 17
2013 – 2018 Proposed Highway Improvement Program The following charts to appear in Section 2 Preservation Projects 18
2013 Traffic Volumes 19
Definitions of Pavement Condition Good (80 – 100) Sections may require crack sealing or a thin overlay. These sections do not require immediate attention. Pavement in this category is generally less than 12 years old. Satisfactory (70-79) Sections may require resurfacing or other rehabilitation in the near future. Pavement is generally years old. Failing (60-69) Will require some type of improvement in the near future to preserve the usability of the surface and avoid the need for reconstruction. This is pavement that is approaching the end of its useable life. Backlog (10-59) May require surface and base course reconstruction to restore roadway serviceability. Some may require total reconstruction, including reconstruction of the subgrade. Pavement in this category is generally more than 15 years old. 20
Current Pavement Condition = 81 21
2013 Pavement Conditions 22
ARGUS optimizes improvements 23
Multiple treatments evaluated 24
System Recommendations
System Preservation Projects
2014 Projects 27 RouteFromToWorktype Alleghany RoadIL Route 120Peterson RoadResurfacing Grass Lake Road2025' E of BridgeIL Route 59Resurfacing Lewis AvenueDugdale RoadIL Route 137Resurfacing Long Grove RoadEla RoadQuentin RoadResurfacing Midlothian RoadWinchester RoadIL Route 176Resurfacing Russell RoadIL Route 131Kenosha RoadResurfacing Sand Lake RoadIL Route 132US Route 45Resurfacing Washington StreetUP Railroad BridgeIL Route 131Resurfacing
2015 Projects 28 RouteFromToWorktype 21st StreetIL Route 131Kenosha RoadResurfacing Buffalo Grove RoadIL Route 83Lake Cook RoadResurfacing Cedar Lake RoadIL Route 134IL Route 120Reconstruction Ela RoadIL Route 22IL Route 12Resurfacing Ela RoadIL Route 12Cuba RoadResurfacing 2015 Micro-surfacingVarious Surface Treatment Petite Lake RoadIL Route 59Fairfield RoadReconstruction Quentin RoadLong Grove RoadLake Cook RoadResurfacing Rollins RoadWshington AvenueWilson RoadResurfacing Rollins RoadWilson RoadFairfield RoadResurfacing
2016 Projects 29 RouteFromToWorktype Aptakisic RoadBuffalo Grove RoadPrairie RoadResurfacing Aptakisic RoadPrairie RoadWeiland RoadResurfacing Aptakisic RoadWeiland RoadIL Route 21Resurfacing Center StreetIL Route 83US Route 45Resurfacing Deep Lake RoadWisc State LineNorth AvenueResurfacing Deep Lake RoadGrass Lake RoadGelden RoadResurfacing Grass Lake RoadIL Route 83Deep Lake RoadResurfacing Hunt Club RoadIL Route 173Wadsworth RoadResurfacing Kilbourne RoadRussell RoadIL Route 173Resurfacing Long Grove RoadQuentin RoadUS Route 12Resurfacing 2016 Micro-surfacingVarious Surface Treatment Miller RoadKelsey RoadIL Route 59Resurfacing Miller RoadIL Route 59US Route 12Resurfacing
2017 Projects 30 RouteFromToWorktype Cuba RoadEla RoadUS Route 12Resurfacing Hunt Club RoadIL Route 132Dada DriveResurfacing Hunt Club RoadDada DriveWashington StreetResurfacing Hunt Club RoadWashington StreetGages Lake RoadResurfacing Hunt Club RoadGages Lake RoadIL Route 120Resurfacing 2017 Micro-surfacingVarious Surface Treatment Wilson RoadIL Route 120IL Route 60Reconstruction
2018 Projects 31 RouteFromToWorktype 22nd StreetIL Route 43US Route 41Resurfacing Cuba RoadIL Route 59Ela RoadResurfacing Deep Lake RoadGelden RoadIL Route 132Resurfacing Gelden RoadDeep Lake RoadGrass Lake RoadResurfacing Greenleaf AvenueWashington StreetIL Route 120Resurfacing 2018 Micro-surfacingVarious Surface Treatment St. Mary's RoadIL Route 176IL Route 60Resurfacing
Keeping Tabs on the System: Asset Inventories Pavement and bike facilities Guardrail, bridges and railroad crossings Signals and signs Drainage and stormwater facilities More… 32
Program resurfaces about 11 miles per year 33
Many roads initially built in the 1950s 34
Inventory: Lane Miles 35
36 Inventory: Culverts
Age of Highway Bridges 37
Age of Bridge Deck Surface 38
Age of Bike and Pedestrian Bridges 39
Bridges: Sufficiency Ratings 40
Stormwater Management Facilities 41
By the Numbers Inventory: Non-Pavement Assets 42 14,783 Storm sewer structures 659 Culverts 200 Miles of storm sewer pipe 42,795 Feet of fencing 16,355 Feet of retaining wall 53 Miles of 4’ paved shoulder 20 Miles of guardrail 26 Landscape areas (48 acres) April 2013
Inventory: Signs 43
Inventory: Railroad Crossings 44
Inventory: Signal Controllers 45
Priority One: Preservation 46