Is there Money in Science? Meteorologist - $54,000/yr Geologist - $55,000/yr Geophysicist - $106,000/yr Idaho 1st Year teacher - $31,500/yr Astronomer- $96,000
What is out there for you. -Describe the Earth Science Career that you are MOST interested in AND why.
Branches of Earth Science Geology - Study of Earth’s surface & interior Geophysics – Physics of Geology Volcanology – Study of Volcanoes Mineralogy – Study of Minerals Seismology– Study of earthquakes.
Branches of Earth Science Astronomy – Study of the Universe Deal with more indirect observations Use telescopes & other remote sensing vehicles Study radiation sent by other objects Study moon rocks from 1969 – 1972 Apollo moon missions
Branches of Earth Science Meteorology – Study of Earth’s Atmosphere Includes Climatology – study of climates Atmosphere reaches height of several hundred kilometers Made up of 4 distinct layers Weather only occurs in bottom layer Most common goal is to forecast weather
Branches of Earth Science Oceanography – Study of Earth’s Oceans H2O covers ¾ of Earth’s surface Track icebergs Study plant & animal interactions Ocean currents important in Forecasting weather Fishing opportunities Global climate changes (El Nino & La Nina)
Hydrology The study of all of earths waters and ways in which water moves. 1.Rivers 2.lakes 3.water cycle,
Determine which of the jobs listed below would most likely be performed by a geologist, astronomer, meteorologist, or oceanographer. Write on a sheet of paper a G,A,M, or O. 1.Track a school of dolphins. 2.Measure the air temperature. 3.Predict a meteor shower. 4.Determine the origin of the mantle. 5.Warn farmers of an early frost. 6.Map a volcano. 7.Research deep-sea organism. 8.Observe a lunar eclipse. 9.Repair a telescope. 10.Predict a hail storm. 11.Monitor changing sea levels. 12.Search for natural gas. 13.Photograph the sun. 14.Determine the location for a dam. 15.Predict a tornado.
Create a concept map Earth Science Geology Seismology Earthquakes Use a newspaper to find a topic of one of the branches of earth science Clip it out and glue it in your comp book on the back side of your concept and label the branch of ES it belongs too. Instructions: You must have 4 sub topics for each of the branches of Earth Science. Each sub topics must have a sub-sub topic.