Joint Capability Technology Demonstration (JCTD) FY08


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Presentation transcript:

Joint Capability Technology Demonstration (JCTD) FY08 CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS (CONOPS) As Of: 23 Jun 08 Joint Capability Technology Demonstration (JCTD) FY08

AGENDA CONOP Background Operational Situation & Vignettes Terms and Definitions CONOP mission Outline CONOP Graphic Depictions Backup Slides

CONOP Background Global War on Terror has increased operational demand on SOF Small ground teams or task forces are inserted into austere, non & semi-permissive environments Task Forces are responsibility for large areas of terrain, against larger forces with limited supply Acquired intelligence is time sensitive & requires immediate targeting Ground force’s ability to command and control assets over long distances for extended periods is limited by supplies, sensors, weapons and specialized equipment that can be carried organically

Functional Impacts of CAMS Strategic: Increase the combat effectiveness of the available SOF soldiers. Provide Task Force Commander the ability to control more real estate with his assigned manpower. Operational: Autonomous nature of CAMS will simplify the task of coordinating assets within the assigned Area of Responsibility. CAMS on-board processing allows auto recon, screening of imagery, system alerts, & apportionment of data throughout the local grid. Tactical: Limit exposure of SOF soldiers to direct hostile fire and offload specific tactical tasks. Allows warfighter to concentrate effort on most critical tasks as determined by on-scene commander.

Operational Situation Location: Middle East / Central Asia Hostile actions by insurgents are hampering attempts to stabilize political environment in many rural areas Application of Unconventional Warfare tactics by SOF is seen as the most appropriate response SOF is required to establish semi-permanent forward operating locations from which to develop local intelligence, establish rapport with friendly local forces and develop a plan for counter-insurgency operations. These locations are outside major urban areas. Forward operating base (FOB) will normally house a Task Force Command and multiple Operational Detachment Alpha (ODA) Team Houses within a secure perimeter. Additional Team Houses are dispersed throughout the Area of Responsibility (AOR)

Vignettes Tactical Situation #1 Intelligence reports indicate that insurgent groups are mobilizing within the AOR with the intent of disrupting SOF base camp operations. Possible insurgent tactics include random indirect fire against the FOB, the covert placement of Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) inside or near the FOB perimeter, and attacks on patrols operating outside the perimeter. Outside patrols could expect aimed direct fire (snipers and ambushes) and attack by IED - either an isolated attack or in conjunction with direct fire/ambush.

Vignettes Tactical Situation #2 Insurgent groups have demonstrated tactics that minimize their direct contact with SOF, while simultaneously inflicting maximum casualties. As a consequence, the frequency of IED attacks against supply convoys servicing satellite team houses has been increasing.

Vignettes Tactical Situation #3 Insurgent groups have made a concerted effort to take over specific neighborhoods and villages within the AOR. Their presence is evidenced by manned check points restricting the flow of vehicular traffic, roving armed patrols, and sniper activity. Their presence has resulted in increased violent activity and an erosion of the security of the local population.

Terms and Definitions Operational Detachment Alpha (ODA): Smallest SOF command level; 12 man team, may operate within fixed operating base or from a satellite location; will have organic assets to include TCU in a command post configuration and CAMS enabled vehicles Special Operations Task Force (SOTF): SOF command level responsible for ?; will have organic assets to include TCU in a command post configuration and CAMS enabled vehicles Tactical Control Unit (TCU): System providing the Soldier Machine interface to CAMS; scalable: dismounted, vehicle mounted, or command post Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV): Raven or Surrogate system will be employed CAMS-L: CAMS equipped vehicle configured for re-supply mission CAMS-R: CAMS equipped vehicle configured for reconnaissance mission CAMS-M: CAMS equipped vehicle configured for MEDEVAC mission CAMS-CP: CAMS equipped vehicle configured for mobile CAMS command

Terms and Definitions Contd. Standard NGA Products: Terrain and geospatial intelligence products that would normally be available to SOF; includes digital terrain elevation data, overhead imagery, and digital maps Updated World Model: Model of the CAMS operating environment where Standard NGA products have been appended with data collected by CAMS onboard sensors Cooperative Traffic: All vehicles are assumed to follow rules of the road; vehicles and dismounts are aware of and respect CAMS vehicles Non-cooperative Traffic: Vehicles may not follow rules of the road; vehicles or dismounts may impede CAMS vehicle progress Permissive Environment: No hostile intent toward CAMS vehicles assumed Semi-permissive Environment: Actions toward CAMS vehicles can not be assumed as either hostile or friendly Non-permissive Environment: Action toward CAMS vehicles is assumed to be hostile

II. Extended Perimeter/Area Support CAMS CONOPS Base Camp Support Resupply within the perimeter (Cooperative traffic on and off road in permissive to semi-permissive environments) Move from point A to B and return to point A (spoke) Move from point A to B to C to D and return to A (circuit) Point to Point after Contact MEDEVAC (Cooperative traffic on and off road in permissive to semi-permissive environments) Perimeter Security (Cooperative traffic on and off road in permissive to semi-permissive environments) Fixed sector/position scan Mobile circuit sector scan Aerial UAV Operations II. Extended Perimeter/Area Support Fixed LP-OP (Cooperative to non-cooperative traffic in semi-permissive to non-permissive environments) Close-in ~ 500 meters Far-out ~ 5-7 kilometers Area Recon (Cooperative to non-cooperative traffic in semi-permissive to non-permissive environments) Rural Urban Call for Fire III. Convoy Ops 20 to 30 kilometer distance from start to finish (Cooperative to non-cooperative traffic in semi-permissive to non-permissive environments) Resupply in Urban Environment

I. Base Camp Support (Resupply within the Perimeter) Mission Sets 1. Resupply within Perimeter a. Point to Point Routine b. Circuit (Multiple Points) I. Base Camp Support (Resupply within the Perimeter) c. Point to Point after Contact 2. MEDEVAC Levels of Apriori Data – Operating Modes i. Std NGA Products – CAMS travels autonomously to point not previously visited ii. Std NGA Products - CAMS trails autonomously behind manned vehicle iii. Updated World Model – CAMS travels autonomously to point previously visited. TCU Threat CAMS-L 1a 1b CAMS-L TCU CAMS-M 2 TCU CAMS-L 1c Terms SOTF: Special Operations Task Force ODA: Operational Detachment Alpha TCU: Tactical Control Unit UAV: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle CAMS-L: CAMS equipped vehicle-Logistics CAMS-M: CAMS equipped vehicle-MEDEVAC TCU

(Security within the Perimeter) Mission Sets Security within the Perimeter Fixed Point Scan Sector Scan Mobile Circuit Scan UAV Aerial Scan I. Base Camp Support (Security within the Perimeter) UAV 4 TCU CAMS-R 3b Threat TCU CAMS-R 3aii CAMS-R TCU 3ai TCU Terms SOTF: Special Operations Task Force ODA: Operational Detachment Alpha TCU: Tactical Control Unit UAV: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle CAMS-R: CAMS equipped vehicle-Recon

II. Extended Perimeter/Area Support (Security outside the Perimeter) Mission Sets Fixed LP/OP Close ~500m Far 5-7 km Area Recon Rural Aerial UAV Scan II. Extended Perimeter/Area Support (Security outside the Perimeter) UAV 3 Threat TCU CAMS-R 1b 5-7 km Communication Relay may be required CAMS-R TCU 2a Threat TCU TCU CAMS-R 1a Terms SOTF: Special Operations Task Force ODA: Operational Detachment Alpha TCU: Tactical Control Unit UAV: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle CAMS-R: CAMS equipped vehicle-Recon

II. Extended Perimeter/Area Support Mission Sets LP/OP Far 5-7 km Area Recon Urban UAV Aerial Scan Call for Fire II. Extended Perimeter/Area Support (Security outside the Perimeter Continued) UAV 3 Threat Threat TCU CAMS-R 1b 5-7 km CAMS-R 2b TCU TCU 4 Terms SOTF: Special Operations Task Force TCU: Tactical Control Unit UAV: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle CAMS-R: CAMS equipped vehicle-Recon

(Outside the Perimeter) Mission Sets External Resupply UAV Aerial Scan III. Convoy Operations (Outside the Perimeter) UAV 2 TCU CAMS-L 1 TM-X CAMS-CP TCU CAMS-L 1 TM-Z CAMS-CP UAV 2 UAV 2 CAMS-CP CAMS-CP TCU CAMS-L 1 CAMS-CP TCU Terms SOTF: Special Operations Task Force ODA: Operational Detachment Alpha TCU: Tactical Control Unit UAV: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle CAMS-L: CAMS equipped vehicle-Logistics CAMS-CP: CAMS equipped vehicle - Command CAMS-CP

Resupply within Perimeter – Routine Mission Details Mission initiated by SOTF – regularly scheduled resupply of subordinate units Mission Plan Details - Define waypoints for path to desired resupply points Level of Autonomy – autonomous mobility to desired points unless ANS conflicts encountered Assets Employed SOTF-controlled UGVs TCUs at both SOTF and ODA Major Actors SOTF: Plan mission, load vehicle, notify receiving units, initiate mission execution, monitor vehicle, transfer/assume control when appropriate, resolve ANS conflicts ODA(s): Monitor vehicle when notified, transfer/assume control when appropriate, unload vehicle, re-initiate mission execution Resupply

Resupply within Perimeter – Urgent Mission Details Mission initiated by ODA – Result of contact or other immediate need Mission Plan Details - Define waypoints for path to desired resupply points Level of Autonomy – autonomous mobility to desired points unless ANS conflicts encountered Assets Employed SOTF-controlled UGVs TCUs at both SOTF and ODA Major Actors SOTF: Plan mission, load vehicle, initiate mission execution, monitor vehicle, transfer/assume control when appropriate, notify receiving units, resolve ANS conflicts ODA(s): Monitor vehicle when notified, transfer/assume control when appropriate, unload vehicle, re-initiate mission execution Resupply

MEDEVAC Mission Details Mission initiated by ODA – Request for immediate MEDEVAC, troops in contact Mission Plan Details - Define waypoints for path to desired pick up point and return to casualty collection point Level of Autonomy – autonomous mobility to desired points unless ANS conflicts encountered Assets Employed SOTF-controlled UGV or ODA-controlled UGV TCUs at both SOTF and ODA Major Actors SOTF: Plan (or re-plan) mission, initiate mission execution, monitor vehicle, transfer/assume control when appropriate, notify receiving units, resolve ANS conflicts ODA(s): Monitor vehicle when notified, transfer/assume control when appropriate, load vehicle, re-initiate mission execution Resupply

Fixed Point Recon Mission Details Mission initiated by ODA – to satisfy perimeter security or support specific mission task, UGV moves to a fixed point to maintain over watch of designated target area Mission Plan Details - Define waypoints for path to desired LP/OP; define target area Level of Autonomy – autonomous mobility to desired points unless ANS conflicts encountered; automated recon with Aided Target Recognition Assets Employed ODA-controlled UGV TCUs at ODA Major Actors ODA: Plan mission, initiate mission execution, monitor vehicle, resolve ANS conflicts, monitor recon products, share recon product/produce reports with other units within BOTNET Perimeter Recon Close Recon Far Recon

Mobile Recon Mission Details Mission initiated by ODA – to satisfy perimeter security or support specific mission task, UGV moves into and traverses a designated target area Mission Plan Details - Define waypoints for path to desired target area; define search pattern within target area, define specific areas of interest Level of Autonomy – autonomous mobility along desired points and within target area unless ANS conflicts encountered; automated recon with Aided Target Recognition Assets Employed ODA-controlled UGV TCUs at ODA Major Actors ODA: Plan mission, initiate mission execution, monitor vehicle, resolve ANS conflicts, monitor recon products, share recon product/produce reports with other units within BOTNET Perimeter Security Close Recon Far Recon

UAV Operations Mission Details Mission initiated by ODA or SOTF– to satisfy or support specific mission task, UAV moves as necessary to maintain over watch of designated target area Mission Plan Details – Define waypoints along flight path, identify target area Level of Autonomy – autonomous mobility along designated flight profile and over target area; manual modes available Assets Employed SOTF or ODA-controlled UAV TCUs at SOTF or ODA Major Actors SOTF or ODA: Plan mission, initiate mission execution, monitor UAV, monitor recon products, share recon product/produce reports with other units within BOTNET Perimeter Recon Close Recon Far Recon Convoy Ops

Call for Fire Mission Details Mission initiated by ODA – to direct immediate fire on perishable targets identified through other recon activities Mission Plan Details – Not Applicable Level of Autonomy – Automated recon with Aided Target Recognition Assets Employed ODA-controlled UGV TCUs at ODA SOTF-controlled organic indirect fire weapons Major Actors ODA: Monitor recon products, identify perishable targets, share target info and fire re-direction to Fire Team Fire Team: Deliver fire based on targeting info provided by ODA Far Recon

Convoy Operations Mission Details Mission initiated by SOTF – to satisfy routine resupply of satellite units outside the perimeter Mission Plan Details – Define waypoints along route, ? Level of Autonomy – Vehicles within Convoy maintain track and spacing as defined in mission plan Assets Employed SOTF-controlled CAMS-L SOTF-controlled CAMS-CP Mobile TCUs within Convoy Major Actors SOTF: Plan mission, load vehicles, monitor Convoy Convoy Commander: Execute mission, monitor individual vehicle performance, resolve ANS or other mission conflicts Convoy Ops