Probing Magnetic Fields in Protostars with near-IR Polarimetry Barbara Whitney University of Wisconsin-Madison
High-Resolution Observations (IRAS ) Data from Lucas & Roche (1997) K-band d = 140 pc 0.3” resolution
Model for IRAS Whitney & Wolff (2002) K-band d = 140 pc 0.3” resolution
K-band polarization maps, no B-field P l = -6.9%P V = 0Integrated polarization:
Axial field (along z) P l = +2.7% P V = 0 Integrated: Whitney & Wolff 2002
Galli-Shu + toroid field B = exp[-z/a](B r 2 + B 2 ) 1/2
V = 6%P l = Q = -8% Galli-Shu + toroid field Integrated:
Galli-Shu + toroid field B = exp[-z/a](b r cyl )- 1.5 (B r 2 + B 2 ) 1/2
V = 3%P l = Q = -16% Galli-Shu + toroid field Integrated: