copyright cmassengale Classification copyright cmassengale
copyright cmassengale Species of Organisms There are 13 billion known species of organisms This is only_______of all organisms that ever lived!!!!! New organisms are still being found and identified copyright cmassengale
Classification Using Cladograms ___________: A diagram that shows the evolutionary relationships among a group of organisms.
copyright cmassengale Cladogram Diagram showing how organisms are related based on shared, derived characteristics such as feathers, hair, or scales copyright cmassengale
copyright cmassengale Primate Cladogram copyright cmassengale
What is Classification? ____________arrangement of organisms into groups based on their similarities ___________: science of classification Taxonomists: scientists that identify & name organisms copyright cmassengale
Benefits of Classifying Accurately & uniformly names organisms Prevents ________: wrong name Sea horse, jellyfish, koala bear Uses same language (Latin or some Greek) for all names Sea”horse”?? copyright cmassengale
Confusion in Using Different Languages for Names copyright cmassengale
Latin Names are Understood by all Taxonomists copyright cmassengale
copyright cmassengale Carolus Linnaeus 1707 – 1778 Father of ___________ Classified organisms by structure Developed 2- word naming system we use today copyright cmassengale
copyright cmassengale Standardized Naming ______________nomenclature used Genus species Latin or Greek Italicized in print Capitalize genus, but NOT species Turdus migratorius American Robin copyright cmassengale
Binomial Nomenclature Which TWO are more closely related? copyright cmassengale
Hierarchy-Taxonomic Groups Kingdom Phylum (Division – used for plants) Class Order Family Genus Species BROADEST TAXON Genus and species are the two names used to identify specific organisms in the binomial system of classification. Division is used for plants. Most Specific copyright cmassengale
copyright cmassengale King Phillip Came Over For Green Salad! copyright cmassengale
copyright cmassengale My Pneumonic Device K P C O F G S copyright cmassengale
copyright cmassengale
copyright cmassengale The 6 ___________ Archaebacteria (harsh env’t) Eubacteria (all except harsh env’t) Protista (algae…) Fungi (mushrooms, yeasts …) Plantae (multicellular plants) Animalia (multicellular animals) copyright cmassengale
copyright cmassengale ARCHAEBACTERIA Probably the 1st cells to ______ __________________-Autotrophs Live in _________ environments Found in: Sewage Treatment Plants Thermal or Volcanic Vents Hot Springs or Geysers that are acid Very salty water (Dead Sea; Great Salt Lake) copyright cmassengale
copyright cmassengale ARCHAEABACTERIA copyright cmassengale
copyright cmassengale EUBACTERIA Unicellular-Autotrophs Some may cause __________ Found in ALL HABITATS _____ harsh ones Important decomposers for environment Commercially important in making cottage cheese, yogurt, buttermilk, etc. copyright cmassengale
Eubacteria- Live in the intestines of animals copyright cmassengale
copyright cmassengale Protista Most are _____ellular Some are ________cellular Some are _______trophic, while others are _________trophic Aquatic Ex: algae copyright cmassengale
copyright cmassengale Fungi Multicellular, except yeast Absorptive heterotrophs (digest food outside their body & then absorb it) copyright cmassengale
copyright cmassengale Plantae Multicellular Autotrophic Absorb_______to make glucose – Photosynthesis Cell walls made of _____________ Growth, with increases in size and number of cells, is part of development. Development involves many stages from conception until death. copyright cmassengale
copyright cmassengale Animalia ______cellular Ingestive heterotrophs (consume food & digest it inside their bodies) Feed on plants or animals copyright cmassengale
copyright cmassengale
______________Keying Used to identify organisms Characteristics given in pairs Read both characteristics and either go to another set of characteristics OR identify the organism copyright cmassengale
Example of Dichotomous Key 1a Tentacles present – Go to 2 1b Tentacles absent – Go to 3 2a Eight Tentacles – Octopus 2b More than 8 tentacles – 3 3a Tentacles hang down – go to 4 3b Tentacles upright–Sea Anemone 4a Balloon-shaped body–Jellyfish 4b Body NOT balloon-shaped - 5 copyright cmassengale