D29 - Roadmap for LFR development Davide Mattioli ENEA UTFISSM-PRONOC LEADER (Lead-cooled European Advanced DEmonstration Reactor) WP 1 - Task 1.1 Amsterdam.


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Presentation transcript:

D29 - Roadmap for LFR development Davide Mattioli ENEA UTFISSM-PRONOC LEADER (Lead-cooled European Advanced DEmonstration Reactor) WP 1 - Task 1.1 Amsterdam

Revisions by partners ANSALDO, SCK-CEN, NRG, JRC, KIT: Text improvements. ANSALDO: Businnes Plan; Safety features; Timeline revision. NRG: Timeline revision. JRC: Timeline revision; Funding possibilities; Analysis of risks (in B.P.)

Table of Contents 1.Executive Summary 2.Objectives of the Road Map 3. Introduction 3.1.Nuclear energy potential to satisfy world energy needs 3.2. Need for fast reactors 3.2. Generation IV Fast reactors 3.4. The Lead Fast Reactor (LFR) 3.5. The LFR safety features 4. R&D needs 5. Road Map 5.1. The Lead-cooled Fast Reactor Road Map 5.2. LFR Zero Power Facility (GUINEVERE) 5.3. LFR ETPP (MYRRHA) 5.4. LFR ETDR (ALFRED) 5.5. LFR Prototype (PROLFR) 5.6. First of a kind European industrial size LFR (ELFR) 5.7. LFR Education and Training facility (ELECTRA) 5.8. Road Map main milestones 6. Expected Impacts 7. Key Performance Indicators 8. Indicative costs Green=Modified Blue =Unchanged

The LFR safety features Favourable: Lead does not react with air or water. Lead has high density and high thermal inertia. Lead has a low neutron absorption cross section. Lead has a high boiling point. Lead has very low Po-210 production rate. Lead does not form hydrogen. Not favorable: Lead has a high melting point. Lead is opaque. Lead is corrosive and erosive.

LFR ETDR (ALFRED) pre-conceptual design being carried out within the Leader Project ( ) set-up of an international consortium (2013) conceptual design to be carried out by the international consortium ( ) Preliminary contacts with licensing authorities ( ) choice of a dedicated site for construction (2016) basic design for the detailed characterisation of the system ( ) pre-licensing activity ( ) specifications drafting and tendering for commissioning (2020) detailed design by the constructors and construction ( ) licensing ( ), ALFRED commissioning ( ) ALFRED operation ( ) conceptual re-design ( ) basic re-design ( ) ALFRED refurbishment and new licensing ( ) ALFRED operation phase 2 ( )

Road Map main milestones 2012: establishment of MYRRHA International Consortium 2013: ALFRED consortium agreement 2015: MYRRHA Completion of Basic Design 2020: ALFRED phase 1 Completion of Basic Design 2020: MYRRHA fuel and material qualification 2023: MYRRHA full operation 2024: ALFRED phase 1 (and PROLFR) fuel and material qualification 2025: ALFRED phase 1 full operation 2032: ALFRED phase 2 (and ELFR) fuel and material qualification 2034: ALFRED phase 2 Completion of Basic Design 2035: ALFRED phase 2 full operation 2035: PROLFR full operation 2045: ELFR full operation 12: establishment of MYRRHA International Consortium 2013: ALFRED consortium agreement, site identification 2015: MYRRHA Completion of Basic Design 2020: ALFRED phase 1 Completion of Basic Design 2020: MYRRHA fuel and material qualification 2023: MYRRHA full operation 2024: ALFRED phase 1 (and PROLFR) fuel and material qualification 2025: ALFRED phase 1 full operation 2030: PROLFR Completion of Basic Design 2032: ALFRED phase 2 (and ELFR) fuel and material qualification 2034: ALFRED phase 2 Completion of Basic Design 2035: ALFRED phase 2 full operation 2035: PROLFR full operation 2040: ELFR Completion of Basic Design 2045: ELFR full operation

Business Plan 1.Executive Summary. 2.LFR technology chain development plan: European framework and context; Competitive advantage; Roadmap towards an industrial LFR fleet in Europe; ALFRED position and role in the roadmap. 3. Strategic issues: Core values; Stakeholders. 4. Development plan: Administrative/legal milestones; Scientific/technical milestones. 5. Deployment plan: ALFRED market; ELFR market; Strategic alliances; Tactical promotion plan; Credibility and risk reduction. 6. Team and management structure: The International Consortium; Skills, experience, training and retention; Advisors; Management systems. 7. Financial budgets and time schedule: Cost analysis; Funding plans.