THE IMPORTANCE OF SURVEYS Public statistics do not fully cover needs. Neither do research reports. Up-dated information from a trade union perspective is an essential supplement. The EMF could not function well without.
PRINCIPLES FOR EMF SURVEYS We conduct them ourselves They don’t demand a lot of work Short questionnaires in Word-format Easy-to-read reports Limited number of tables
PRECARIOUS WORK SURVEYS EUCOBAN 2011 contains the CB latest news -Eucoban 2009 and 2010 (including steel) -2CD outlook 2010 (plans and campaigns) -TAW surveys 2010 and CD mid-term review is running now
THE CHOICE LIST OF 2009 Temporary agency work, fixed-term contracts, bogus self-employed, unwanted part-time work, on-call work, zero-hour contracts, project based contracts, non- competition contracts, out-sourcing and subcontracting.
EUCOBAN 2009 (RESULTS) Bulgaria(Metallicy): Restrictions on hiring, equal rights for TAW, also to future careers. The Netherlands: Obligatory use of certified agencies (control mechanism), telephone hotline in cases of unfair treatment of foreign workers.
EUCOBAN 2010 (RESULTS) Bulgaria (Metallicy): Maximum one temporary contract Czech: Implement 2CD between the parties Netherlands: Employer obliged to pay correct wages to TAWs.
EUCOBAN 2010 (RESULTS) - 2 Norway (FF): Preliminary agreement for TAW sector based on directive. Slovak: Percentage limit for TAW Sweden (Unionen): Further steps to avoid future lay offs. Special training for employees after sickness.
EUCOBAN STEEL SURVEY 2010 Metallicy: Observance of health and safety in case of subcontracting OS Kovo: Implement 2CD FNV: Requirements to sub-contractors, jobs will be considered vacant after 12 months of hiring
EUCOBAN Croatia – Implementation of provisions in CA on TAWs Czech – Implement 2CD through cooperation and social dialogue Denmark (CO-Industry) –TAW directive implemented in CA. Equal pay board. Investments in training and education.
EUCOBAN Netherlands – Public register for agencies. Norway (TEKNA)- Agreement between partners to look at precarious work. Norway (NITO) – Discussions on conditions for TAWs. Slovenia (SKEI) – Equal rights for TAW to be monitored. Common flexicurity policy.
EUCOBAN Germany: Talks abandoned, no result. France: National commission set up by social partners
EUCOBAN STEEL SURVEY 2011 Bulgaria (Metallicy) – Only one temporary contract Netherlands (FNV) – Maximum one subcontractor in Tata Steel.
TAW SURVEYS Underline the importance of regulations in the TAW sector. Laws and collective agreements are being improved. Bans to be challenged in court cases.
LIMITATION OF TAW Objective reasons Maximum duration, renewals or percentage Bans in certain sectors Equal pay and working conditions Penalties for abuse
BOGUS SELF-EMPLOYED Risk that this category will increase Unclear legislation Recent failure in Dutch negotiations
ON-CALL WORK No reports so far We know it exists in metal industry EU directive on working time to be revised in one way or the other
PRECARIOUS WORK WEB SITE Excellent means to present news stories Needs input – also from EMCEF/ETUF-TCL EFFAT will set up its own web site shortly ILO will establish a web portal for p. work We are the frontrunner!
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