Rahul Banala
The multiverse theory is a theoretical cosmological hypothesis that says that there is more than one universe. The term was coined by a psychologist, William James, who hypothesized the existence of there being more than one universe basing his understanding of the multiple egos. Bottom line: A hypothesis claiming that there is more than one universe.
The idea was developed in a physics sense by Max Tegmark and Brian Greene who claimed the “multiple worlds” hypothesis. They guessed pretty much that a universe sits on another universe and the order goes infinitely (or does it?) The idea is way to radicalized at the beginning and much of the math was near useless.
We know that a multiverse means “many universes” but what the term suggests is an alternate universe with more or less dimensional physics. Quick Q&A: How many dimensions are there? Before we get all complicated, let’s talk about space time.
Many theories exist about a potential multiverse, but most interesting… Brian Greene’s idea of a conversion of physical laws and the idea of replication Deck of cards analogy Some physicists also theorize that the 3D fabric of space is unreal and much of visual space is built up of varied dimensions.
Theorized by Alan Guth In cosmology, inflation is the theory that says that immediately after the Big Bang (10 −36 seconds after to be exact) the space around the singularity began to expand. The expansion massed to approximately 10 billion light years across. However, it also theorized that the universe was flat The expansion was so fast and so irradiated that states of matter were condensed heavily. Swiss Cheese analogy
Expansion happened and is happening on a scale that’s immeasurable 10% of the visible universe is light, radiation, energy (planets, stars, galaxies etc) 90% is dark energy or dark matter It’s a strange non signaling energy form that deviates from visible energy BLACK HOLES!
String Theory also plays a HUGE role in multiverse talks. The Theory of Everything Protons/Neutrons=quarks=“strings” Not 0 dimensional lines but 1 dimensional oscillators They not only show the quantum fluctuations but also hint at universal inflation Gravitons: Massless energy particles that is what gravity actually is. (Disputed though)
Well I’ll shorten it for you, there is a statistical chance of there being a variation of 10⁵⁰⁰ to combinations. Dimensions are a different story…:P So pretty much, if this were true, there can be anywhere between planets and solar systems like ours. The chance of extra terrestrials is almost 100%
It can be possible, not now or in the next few hundred years but it can be possible. All you need is a wormhole A wormhole is identical to a black hole but it won’t kill you Some theorized black holes to be potential wormholes
Now it is time for more Q&A! Ask me any questions or clarifications you have and I’ll try my best.