Scoliosis is a condition also known as “curvature of the spine”. People with scoliosis have curves in their spine that are bigger than the regular curves that are found in everybody’s back. When the abnormal curves are side-to-side in the spinal column, scoliosis is the term used to describe the condition.
Scoliosis has existed for centuries. The first recorded case of scoliosis dates back to around 1800 B.C. This documentation took place in the times of Ancient India. In the Hindu religion there was a follower of the god Krishna. The follower’s name was Kubja and in the ancient Hindu scripts he is described with the distinction of a hunched back. Experts say Kubja had a form of scoliosis. The scripts portray the earliest attempted treatments for scoliosis. The Hindu god Krishna is told to have put his hands on Kubja’s back and pressed down, in attempt to straighten his curved back. Back then, nothing was known about scoliosis and the name “scoliosis” wasn’t even around yet. The word “scoliosis” was created by the Ancient Grecian physician named Hippocrates. Hippocrates is a pioneer in the world of scoliosis studies and treatments and laid a lot of the ground work for western scoliosis medical treatment.
The cause of certain types of scoliosis are unknown. However, sometimes scoliosis exists at birth due to a congenital vertebral anomaly. Most cases of scoliosis are idiopathic meaning the cause is unknown and is passed down through genetics. Scoliosis is found more commonly in females. But there are still males with this condition. Researchers today have found a defect in the gene CHD7 is what leads to the “C” and “S” shaped curves in cases of idiopathic scoliosis.
Shoulders are different heights—one shoulder blade is more prominent than the other Head is not centered directly above the pelvis Appearance of a raised, prominent hip Rib cages are at different heights Uneven waist Leaning of entire body to one side
There are three types of treatment: 1. Observation – for those with very small curves 2. Orthopedic bracing - a back brace is worn if you have a spinal curve of about 25 to 40 degrees and are still growing. The purpose of wearing the brace is to keep the curve in your spine from getting worse as you continue to grow; however, it's usually not intended to reduce the amount of curve you already have. 3. Spinal Fusion Surgery There are different techniques and methods used today for scoliosis surgery. The most frequently performed surgery for idiopathic adolescent scoliosis involves posterior spinal instrumentation with fusion. This kind of surgery is performed through the patient's back while the patient lies on his or her stomach.
Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent getting scoliosis.
pediatrics/Abstract/2010/02000/Adolescent_idiopathi c_scoliosis_and_genetic.12.aspx Cause.aspx