Spine Curvature Disorders
1 2 3 Types of Spine Curvature Disorders : The spine, or backbone, is made up of small bones (vertebrae) stacked -- along with discs -one on top of another. A healthy spine when viewed from the side has gentle curves to it. The curves help the spine absorb stress from body movement and gravity. When viewed from the back, the spine should run straight down the middle of the back. When abnormalities of the spine occur, the natural curvatures of the spine are misaligned or exaggerated in certain areas, as occurs with: 1 2 3 1.Kyphosis 2.Lordosis 3.Scoliosis
Kyphosis Definition Also called round back or Kelso's hunchback, is a condition of over-curvature of the thoracic vertebrae (upper back).
causes 1-Scheuermann's Disease 2-Congenital Kyphosis(Birth defects) 3-Kyphosis associated with neuromuscular disorders 4-Kyphosis secondary to trauma, tumors, infection, and arthritis 5-osteoporosis 6-Disk degeneration
Symptoms 1- Difficulty breathing (in severe cases) 2- Fatigue Kyphosis Symptoms 1- Difficulty breathing (in severe cases) 2- Fatigue 3- Mild back pain 4- Round back appearance 5- Tenderness and stiffness in the spine
Lordosis Definition Abnormally increased inward curvature of the lower region of the spine (lumbar and cervical ) ?? resulting in a concave back as viewed from the side. Congenital lordosis is the least common of the 3 major patterns of congenital spinal deformity, it usually is progressive . It is caused by a failure of posterior segmentation in the presence of anterior active growth. Pure congenital lordosis is rare, and congenital lordosis with failure of posterior formation is extremely rare. Asymmetrical defects of segmentation, such as a posterolateral, unsegmented bar leading to lordoscoliosis, are more common. With an increasing lordosis deformity in the thoracic spine, the spine-sternal distance (or anteroposterior diameter of the chest) is reduced and the rib mechanics of respiration are altered, with resultant respiratory restriction, respiratory failure, and even early death. When the deformity occurs in the lumbar spine, it results in hyperlordosis, with the spine approaching the anterior abdominal wall
Lordosis causes 1.Unknown 2.Lordosis may be associated with poor posture, a congenital (present at birth) 3.Differences in thickness between the anterior & posterior part of the intervertebral disc. 4.Neuromuscular problems 5.Back surgery or tight hip flexors Achondroplasia. A disorder in which bones do not grow normally, resulting in the short stature associated with dwarfism Spondylolisthesis. A condition in which a vertebrae, usually in the lower back, slips forward Osteoporosis, a condition in which vertebrae become fragile and can be easily broken (compression fractures) Obesity, or being extremely overweight
Lordosis Symptoms The major clinical feature of Lordosis is a prominence of the buttocks. Back pain, leg pain . changes in bowel and bladder habits are not commonly associated with Lordosis.
Scoliosis Definition A medical condition in which a person's spine is curved from side to side. Although it is a complex three-dimensional deformity, on an X-ray, viewed from the rear,. The spine of an individual with scoliosis may look more like an "S" or a "C", rather than a straight line.
causes About 80% of cases the is unknown Scoliosis causes About 80% of cases the is unknown Neuromuscular conditions - these are conditions that affect the nerves and muscles such as cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy 3.Congenital scoliosis(present at birth) this is rare 4. Leg length - if one leg is longer than the other the individual may develop scoliosis 5. Other causes - bad posture, using backpacks ,and exercise may also cause scoliosis
Scoliosis Symptoms 1- One shoulder is higher than the other, or sticks out more than the other 2- One side of the rib cage appears higher than the other 3- One hip appears higher or more prominent than the other 4- The waist appears uneven The body tilts to one side 5- One leg may appear shorter than the other 6- Slow nerve action (in some cases)