Customer Relationship Management
Content CRM SugarCRM System Requirement Installation Process Configuration
CRM Customer relationship management (CRM) is a term applied to processes implemented by a company to handle its contact with its customers CRM software is used to support these processes, storing information on current and prospective customers. in different departments, such as sales, marketing, customer service, training, professional development, performance management, human resource development, and compensation.
CRM Details on any customer contacts can also be stored in the system this approach is to improve services provided directly to customers and to use the information in the system for targeted marketing and sales purposes
SugarCRM the world's leading provider of commercial open source customer relationship management (CRM) easily adapts to any business environment several deployment options, including on-demand, on-premise and appliance-based solutions to suit customers' security, integration and configuration needs More info : sugarcrm.html
System Requirement Operating System : Linux, Windows 2000/XP,UNIX, BSD, or Mac OS X Web Server : Apache, IIS, and other web servers that supports PHP Database : MySQL version 4.0.x or 4.1.x (best ) Language : PHP versions 4.2.X or 4.3.X (best ) or 5.X
Installation Download lastest version from : Click on the “Full Installation Packages” link Copy Sugar Files to Web Server Unzip the Sugar files into the Document root directory
Installation Set permission on the following directory and files to writable : cache custom data modules config.php
Installation Point your browser to : / / And follow Installation Wizard instructions.
Database configuration
Site configuration
Log into SugarCRM Use username “admin” And the password your provided in the installation process
Group member Muazzam Ali Krich Nasingkun Chee M. Lin Hlaing Ei Ko Jon athan Khor Johan Hasan