Today: -Assign Computers -Mac and Ps Overview video -Practice with macs and ps
Mac Intro
Mac Hot Keys/ Short Cuts 0yD7pmDNVshttps:// 0yD7pmDNVs start at 1:21
What is this thing called Photoshop? cs5/getting-started-gs-what-is-photoshop-cs5/
Digital Image
Pixel vs Resolution Pixel- Individual light sensor Resolution- describes pixel count and density
DPI Dots (pixels) per inch Measure for spatial printing Higher the number/amount of pixels, the larger the image can be printed without looking blurry
Low 72 High
You should work at 300 dpi
Digital Image File Formats JPEG, TIFF, Raw
Digital Image File Formats ****JPEG Fine: Highest quality of the compressed or glossy format. Much smaller than uncompressed TIFF***** TIFF: Largest file size, High quality, Cross platform Raw: High resolution, un-altered, un-adjusted image, Bigger file size, fewer images on storage device. SLRs can work in this mode, problematic when printing
Photoshop File.psd Giant file, not compressed, with all working layers and changes, open and read in Photoshop only. IN PROGRESS In progress work.psd files Final Images to print/turn injpeg