Pippa Wells25 October Procurement and manpower for service installation Services readiness dates Planning for type ii/iii Fibre installation dates PS installation plan Readout installation plan – covered by Janet PS and ROD mapping
Pippa Wells25 October Where to find information? Installation WP document Tuesday mornings, CRM (control room management) meetings (Pamela Ferrari, Sandra Ciocio attend for ID). Any installation in racks in US(A)15 should be discussed here Wednesday mornings ID/TC installation meeting Numerous ID representatives Focussing on services installation so far. New schedule v.7.09 – talks by Miikka Kotamaki in the last TMB Schedule is now under scrutiny Safety course Level 4 course mentioned in the bulletin is for LHC machine experts only – not for work in ATLAS Safety course in English is now available every day in Building 55
Pippa Wells25 October Timescales for services - NEW Type IV installation complete on US side. USA just starting. Will drop to lower priority when type II/II cable installation begins. 2 November – barrel calorimeter moves to z=0 (this is an additional delay since the last TMB) Sequence in a sector is: Tubes, fibres, heater cables, SCT cables, (Muon chambers), TRT cables, pixel cables 7.09 sequenceStart dateDurationComments 5 (top)22 November5 daysOnly 2x6 DCS cables 315 December15 daysWill start with fibres (bottom) 1 15,11
Pippa Wells25 October Organisation for type II/III services New organisational effort to work out detailed installation strategy Management team being established Nicolas Massol (TC - coordinator), Sigi Wenig Marek Stodulski (leaving), Jack Fowler (part time), Stefan Valker, Hans Danielsson Technical follow up from Marco Olcese (based in Genova and commuting to CERN from Nov 05) Installation teams Cables at PPB/F1: Need experienced people from the subsystems to make connections at PPB/F1 Cables over cryostat flange: 8 people from Prague Cables from tile gaps outwards: TC installation team of Russians (already in place) Tubes on flange: current installation team Design work on flange should not be the bottleneck: plan to finish by end of the year
Pippa Wells25 October List of SCT cables in sector 3 To be extracted from services inventory by Sigi Wenig…
Pippa Wells25 October Planning for type II/III power cables Type II/III service installation is supposed to start on 15 th December in sector 3 Company are at present making double length harnesses with type II cable and connectors on both ends. Saverio will work on QA. We need cable trays to be in place to measure lengths of type II/III harnesses with trial cables Company will then take 2-3 weeks to make harnesses We must supply tables of lengths, connectors (not yet delivered to CERN), labels (final scheme being worked out) Include a few spares for instant replacements (and maybe even try to install a few?????)
Pippa Wells25 October (dummy) PPB1 and PPF1 PPB1 mechanics and dPPB1 boards seem to be under control Test of dPPB1 prototype was made in the pit A few pieces (clamps) need to be remade PPF1 mechanics - needs some attention Agreed in Engineering meeting in NIKHEF to redesign the cable clamp to avoid deforming cables The clamp is supported from the cryostat and is sufficient to locate the type II cable in the correct position The mechanics to support the dPPF1 PCBs is NOT available (either not yet made or in use at Liverpool/NIKHEF) dPPF1 boards should be fabricated on time – need to find a way to support them
Pippa Wells25 October Fibres First fibres to be installed 15 December Boxes of data fibres should have been delivered yesterday to Bat Space there to sort out all boxes, get fibres in sequence for installation, do inventory… Tony strongly resists any testing to avoid spoiling the heavy duty rigging we paid for Need to verify that we understand connectivity/labels in enough detail. FSI fibre drums are still in Bat 226. Urgently need a person to take charge of planning Where to cut them to length? Are all the steps for pulling/stripping/splicing sufficiently understood Make labels
Pippa Wells25 October Mapping A lot of discussion recently about power supply mapping DCS and other experts are fully informed of the results of the mapping – some implications for interlock complexity. Barrel crates not mixed with end cap crates Some end cap crates mix EC-A and EC-C – but cooling circuits (quadrants) collected in the same crate
Pippa Wells25 October Cables between racks in US(A)15 We are collecting a list of services needed between racks in US and USA15 These must be put into the cable DB and given to Sergei Malyukov to book slots in cable trays and find out lengths Marco Olcese does not want to add them to the ID services inventory
Pippa Wells25 October Conclusions Dates for installation of first type II/III cables are known Urgent need to identify skilled people to do connections at PP1 without depleting SR1 team Logistics of type II/III power cables will be “interesting” Need to improve plans for dPPF1 for power cables Planning for fibres (especially FSI) needs to be improved Have to go through the list of other cables and verify that all is going to be “in time”