AS Kiran Kumar ISRO, INDIA 12 th CEOS PLENARY Nov 10-12, 1998
National Groundwater prospect & Recharge zones >275,000 wells drilled, with >90% success LU/LC Water Drain Soil Road Parcel PRA Field Survey Drinking Water Watershed Development Integrated watershed Devt. Societal Participation in using technology for development. Formal Courses: Formal Courses: CSSTEAP, IIRS, IIST, M.Tech Programmes in Universities………. Contribution to Virtual Constellations for: Land Surface Imaging (LSI) – Resourcesat-2 Ocean Colour Radiometry (OCR) – Oceansat-2 OCM Ocean Surface Vector Wind (OSVW) – OSCAT Precipitation (PC) – Megha-Tropiques Ocean Surface Topography (OST) – SARAL Contribution to Virtual Constellations for: Land Surface Imaging (LSI) – Resourcesat-2 Ocean Colour Radiometry (OCR) – Oceansat-2 OCM Ocean Surface Vector Wind (OSVW) – OSCAT Precipitation (PC) – Megha-Tropiques Ocean Surface Topography (OST) – SARAL CEOS Chair 2012…. Tele-education Tele-medicene Village resource centres WG on Education, training and capacity building
CEOS 25+ significant contributions 1984 CEOS established WGClimate Satellite data exchange principles Permanent Secretariat SIT WGISSIGOS WGEDU GCOS GEO Virtual Constellation Data democracy Technological changes Resolution progressed from 80m to 0.25m GPS to mobile phone (handheld) TV to DTH – reaching individuals Small satellites Technological changes Resolution progressed from 80m to 0.25m GPS to mobile phone (handheld) TV to DTH – reaching individuals Small satellites CEOS+25 : 1984 to 2011… Is CEOS ready ? Increased role for private operators in HR sector Role for NGOs & academia has increased Convergence of technologies – PDA, mobile dev. Users: institution to Individuals Advent of social network…. Population : Food, water and Energy Security Increased role for private operators in HR sector Role for NGOs & academia has increased Convergence of technologies – PDA, mobile dev. Users: institution to Individuals Advent of social network…. Population : Food, water and Energy Security
Introspect & Act on CEOS focus based on “CEOS Self Study deliberations” Sustained support to Capacity Building and Data Democracy (WGCBDD) Coordinated efforts for Disaster early warning & climate monitoring Continue with renewed vigor Completion of currently identified activities. CEOS priorities in 2012
LASTLY …... Working together does not only Bring out the best in all of us; It brings out the best in each of us. Coming together is a beginning; Keeping together is progress; Working together is success. Let us give to the world the best we have And the best will come back to us.
Thanks and Welcome Outgoing: Enrico and Steffano of ASI CEOS Chair teamEnrico and Steffano of ASI CEOS Chair team INPE as part of TroikaINPE as part of Troika Makato and JAXA team for SITMakato and JAXA team for SIT WG ChairsWG ChairsIncoming: CSA and ASI as part of TroikaCSA and ASI as part of Troika Mike and NASA team for SITMike and NASA team for SIT Chairs & Co-Chairs of WGsChairs & Co-Chairs of WGs
Tentative dates for CEOS Plenary SIDE MEETINGSOCTOBER 29, 2012 (MONDAY) PLENARYOCTOBER 30-31, 2012 (TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY) VENUEBANGALORE ISRO wishes to invite you all