EV Presentation 19 Sep 2007 Maris Stella High School
Students Profile
Staff Profile
Vision To be a vibrant and innovative centre of learning in a caring and conductive environment to nurture each student, with Christian values, to be a Gentleman, a Scholar and a Sportsman.
Mission Our Marist Mission provides an educational program that blends FAITH, CULTURE and LIFE through a climate of cordiality, cooperation and constructive dialogue and thus effect the TOTAL FORMATION OF THE INDIVIDUAL, giving due respect to his human dignity. To meet future challenge. To provide resources and opportunities for staff to develop themselves. To provide a caring, conducive and vibrant environment for staff and dents. To develop a Learning culture.
Core Values
Criteria 1: Leadership
Sub-criteria 1.1School Leadership 1.2School Culture 1.3Responsibility to Society
Sub-criterion 1.1 School Leadership
1.1 School Leadership Internal ScanExternal Scan Mission & Vision Core Values 4 Strategic Thrusts Stretch Goal, 1-Yr Work Plan Staff Stakeholders Revisit Development of School Vision
1.1 School Leadership How school leaders ensure schools management system is developed, implemented and continuously improved.
1.1 School Leadership EnvisioningConsensus Planning Generative Conversation e.g. Class Names Deployment & Implementation Review Leadership Approach How school leaders ensure schools management system is developed, implemented and continuously improved.