TODAY’S GOALS Read sample student synthesis essays to get a better understanding of the genre Analyze the second article for use with your synthesis essays Conduct the final round of the class debate
DEBATE GRADING SYSTEM Arguments 50% At least 5 salient main points Utilize all rhetorical appeals Arguments are rhetorically sound Propose a solution(s) Counterarguments 20% Did the group take advantage of any rhetorical weak points? Time Management 10% Are all speaking points adequately explained? Individual Participation 10% Groupwork 10% How well coordinated is the group? Do speaking points overlap?
DEBATE JUDGING AND VOTING Write out: 1.Your name 2.Your group topic 3.Your side on the group topic 4.The group and side that you are voting for (based on which side you think presented the most effective argument)
FINAL PROBLEM- STUDENT ATHLETES Let us consider the hypothetical situation of Chris Chris plays football for a private university where his tuition and part of his meal plan are covered as long as he remains in good academic standing with the university and remains an active football player However, the stresses of being a student athlete and full time student (Chris was taking a 5 course load) eventually got to him. In his second semester, Chris failed 3 of his 5 classes. This caused Chris to become depressed to the point that he needed to see a counselor, be suspended from the football team until he raised his grades, and be put on academic probation. He even dropped down to 1 class the following semester. According to his contract, being suspended from the team revoked his tuition compensation and dropping down to one class and being on academic probation made his student loans due. Worse yet, he now owes money to the private counselor who was treating him. Between student loans, tuition payments, and doctor payments, Chris owes over $50,000 and has no job to make payments on any of these. Although his contract stipulates that the school is not responsible for any of costs due to Chris’ failure to perform, should it be? Considering student loans, tuition payments, and doctor payments, which should Chris be responsible for paying and which should the university be responsible for paying?
FINAL PROBLEM- GENETIC ENGINEERING Let us consider the hypothetical situation of Dr. Jameson Dr. Jameson is a genetics researcher who works with the manipulation of embryo DNA and the prevention of diseases. In the course of her research, Dr. Jameson made an amazing discovery: she was able to develop a combination of genes that make subjects highly resistant to cancer. Specifically, any embryo created with this combination of genes will be completely immune to skin cancer and 80-90% less likely to develop other forms of cancer, and Dr. Jameson’s technique allows these genes to be manipulated with relative ease. Unfortunately, many of the genes involved in this technique are related to characteristics we associate with race and specifically skin tone. Embryos that undergo this genetic manipulation will all have significantly darker skin tones. In other words, characteristics we associate with Caucasians would be completely eliminated. Dr. Jameson is unsure of what to do. A widespread release of her findings could reduce instances of cancer in future generations by more than 90%, but this could also lead to a form of genetic genocide drastically altering the racial landscape of the world. Should Dr. Jameson release the results of her research? Is it more important to prevent cancer and save lives or preserve a people’s racial and cultural heritage? What are the moral implications of such genetic manipulation that could save lives of millions but at the same time have such a monumentally negative affect on diversity?
GROUP ACTIVITY 1: SYNTHESIS ESSAY ANALYSIS In your topic groups Select one of the sample synthesis essays on the class website. Read through the essay and answer the questions below 1.What strategy does the introduction use to grab reader attention? 2.What is the thesis of the essay? Take this directly from the text if possible 3.Which of the two synthesis essay frameworks (see pg. 237) does the essay seem to follow? 4.What points does the essay use to support its thesis? How does it draw on its sources for data to support these?
WORKS CITED PAGE Books: Author Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. Edition of book. Editors. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium of Publication. Ex: Whittaker, James. Blogs: The New Journals. 2 nd ed. Ed. Colleen O’Malley. New York: Penguin, Print. Edition and editors are only used if necessary If two or three authors are used, list all of them. However, if three or more authors are used, you list the first followed by “et al.” Ex: Whittaker, James, and Marie Munroe. Ex: Whittaker, James, et al.
WORKS CITED PAGE Newspapers: Author Lastname, Firstname. "Title of Article." Title of Periodical Day Month Year: pages. Medium of publication. Ex: Poniewozik, James. "TV Makes a Too-Close Call." Time 20 Nov. 2000: Print. Periodicals Author Lastname, Firstname. "Title of Article." Title of Periodical Volume.Issue (Year):pages. Database (if applicable). Medium of publication. Date of access (if accessed online) Ex: Duvall, John N. "The (Super)Marketplace of Images: Television as Unmediated Mediation in DeLillo's White Noise." Arizona Quarterly 50.3 (1994): JSTOR. Web. 5 Apr Most of the peer reviewed articles from the library databases will fall into this format
WORKS CITED PAGE Electronic Sources Author Lastname, Firstname. “Title of Article” (if applicable). Title of Website. Version numbers or revisions. Publisher or Company, Date of Publication. Web. Date of access. Ex: Bernstein, Mark. "10 Tips on Writing the Living Web." A List Apart: For People Who Make Websites. A List Apart Mag., 16 Aug Web. 4 May Remember to use n.p. if no publisher name is available and n.d. if no publishing date is given. URLs are no longer required Websites can be some of the most difficult to cite due to formatting concerns and lack of relevant information No more than 1 website!
GROUP ACTIVITY 2: ANALYZING TEXT 2 In your new topic groups Read through the text (check your s for the link) in your topic groups and answer the following questions (corresponding to the first three steps of the synthesis writing process) 1.What is the main idea (or ideas) of the text? If you can identify a clear thesis, write it here as well. 2.What are the writer’s main strategies to support their argument? How does the writer utilize (or fail to utilize) the three rhetorical appeals? 3.What are two weak points about the essay? Two strong points? (It may help to have part of your group read with the grain and part of your group read against the grain) 4.How does the writer’s main idea relate to the main idea of text 1? Do they seem to agree or disagree with one another? Which source provided stronger evidence? 5.How does your view on the topic relate to the two articles we have analyzed? Do you agree or disagree with both sources? Which source might have the most useful information to help you formulate your own argument? 6.What is the Works Cited citation you would use to cite this source?
HOMEWORK Sign up for a unit 3 conference (posted on the class website at 5 pm) Assemble Portfolio Folder or binder Bring to class on Wednesday Should include a final draft of your literacy narrative and strong response essay as well as the first draft of your synthesis essay A&S Ideas-First Draft Due Monday 7/27 (or by your conference appointment) Must have an original thesis Should include 2+ sources 500+ words Submit to and bring a hard copy to class as well