Mrs. Raprich’s Bellwork The Swcha Was Here Week of 1/27-1/31.


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Presentation transcript:

Mrs. Raprich’s Bellwork The Swcha Was Here Week of 1/27-1/31

Bell Work 1 Monday, 1/27 Infinitives: to + a verb Write the sentences and complete them with an appropriate infinitive. 1. Lexie wanted the Schwa _________________. 2. That way, Antsy would be free ____________. 3. Antsy and Crawley had ________________. 4. The Schwa said it is better _______________ than to be seen. 5. Antsy’s Mom wants ____________________.

Bell Work 2 Monday, 1/27 The following sentences are in inverted order. Re-write them in usual order. 1.After days of torment came the news that Lexie really does like Antsy. 2.From the fighting emerged a new compact in the house. 3.Did the Schwa know that he and Lexie were just friends?

Bell Work 1 Tuesday 1/28 Rewrite the sentences and underline the simple subject once and the simple predicate twice. 1. “Three heads are a crowd.” (Shusterman, 99) 2. “Most people think it’s for ‘moxie’, the word that means gutsy, but it’s not.” (Shusterman, 130) 3. “Okay, I admit feeling pretty jea-lousy about it (that’s feeling jealous and lousy all at once.)” (Shusterman, 132)

Bell Work 2 Tuesday 1/28 Write three sentences and use an appropriate adverb. An adverb describe how, when or where. It modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb

LA- Wednesday 1/29 Antsy writes a three lined poem about the Schwa. “Remember the Schwa Go to his house Go talk to him. Remember the Schwa.” (Shusterman, 140) Write your own poem about the Schwa.

LA- Wednesday 1/29 Prepositional Phrases- a group of words made up of a proposition, its object, and any words that modify the object. Write the sentence and underline the propositional phrases. 1. Antsy imagines a life without the Schwa so that he can date Lexie without guilt. 2.“Crawley had suggested there were ways to find out about the Schwa’s mother and her vanishing act.” (Shusterman, 155)

LA: Thursday, 1/30 Direct Objects -nouns or pronouns that receive the action of an action verb. Write each sentence and underline the direct object. 1. “Come to think of it, they fired the manager over the broken video camera.” (Shusterman 158) 2. “She handed me a strainer and poured some boiling string beans through it.” (Shusterman, 160)

LA Bell Work 2 Thursday 1/30 Write each sentence and underline the direct object. 1.Antsy threw Manny onto the train tracks. 2.“I fired my dog-walker.” (Shusterman 165) 3.“He scratched his peeling neck.” (Shusterman 171)

Friday 1/31 Read in your selected book and enter two dialectical journals. Citation Example: Dessen, Sarah. Along for the Ride. New York: Viking, 2009.

Friday 1/31 Indirect objects- a noun or pronoun that answers the questions: To whom? Or For whom? Write the sentences and underline the I.O. 1.Lexie told Antsy that she wanted to date him. 2.The butcher broke the news to Antsy. 3.Antsy brought the Schwa to the butcher to hear the story.

Friday, 1/31 More indirect objects. Write the sentence and underline the I.O. 1.“She fell down the stairs.” (Shusterman 175) 2.He pulled the door open for her. 3.My mom hit him on the head with a newspaper.