Learning … It’s a Behavioral Thing Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning Vicarious Learning
Learning … It’s a Behavioral Thing Stimulus – what happens to an individual Reinforcer – a stimulus that promotes the chance a behavior will happen again Response – the action or reaction of an individual Conditioning – Learning process Terminology
Learning … It’s a Behavioral Thing Classical Conditioning Start with a conditioned response (something you already know) Add stimulus you don’t respond to You learn to respond to new stimulus (Examples: Pavlov’s dogs, value money, letting someone like you, etc.)
Learning … It’s a Behavioral Thing Classical Conditioning Most of our values and fears come from classical conditioning.
Learning … It’s a Behavioral Thing Classical Conditioning Desensitization (Reducing fear or anxiety by repeatedly exposing a person to emotional stimuli while the person is deeply relaxed.)
Learning … It’s a Behavioral Thing Operant Conditioning The individual (trainee) initiates the behavior we want or a behavior similar to what we want. We provide an immediate reinforcement. The behavior will repeat
Learning … It’s a Behavioral Thing Shaping – –Gradually molding responses to a final desired pattern. Chaining – –Determining the order of behaviors to be learned to produce the desired outcome. Operant Conditioning
Learning … It’s a Behavioral Thing Operant Conditioning Operant extinction – Learned responses that are not reinforced gradually fade away. Negative Reinforcement – that which occurs when making a response removes an unpleasant event
Learning … It’s a Behavioral Thing Operant Reinforcers Primary Reinforcers – Natural, biological (air, food, water, sex, etc.) Secondary Reinforcers – these are all learned … examples: money, praise, attention, inclusion, grades, etc.
Learning … It’s a Behavioral Thing Fixed Ratio - a set number of correct responses equal a reinforcer Variable Ratio - a varied number of correct responses equal a reinforcer Fixed Interval - reinforcer is given after a specific length of time after the correct response Variable Interval - reinforcer is given after a varied length of time after the correct response Partial Reinforcement
Learning … It’s a Behavioral Thing Vicarious Learning Observing the behavior of someone else and the consequences of their behavior and directing our own behavior according to these observation. Go to assessment