Important Announcement All registrants, from 1 October 2012 to 28 February 2013, will go through a verification facility that can be accessed through Registrants that provide information consistent with the DepEd database shall automatically be issued accounts by the verification facility and can log-in to their accounts on the same day.
Registrants that provide information inconsistent with the DepEd database shall undergo manual verification. They will be contacted within a week after their registration. To address manual verification concerns, a Central Office verification team has been established to coordinate with the respective ICT Administrators and Personnel Officers of each region and division.
The Central Office verification team will divide the registrants for manual verification into two verification forms: Records mismatched. These include registrants whose names exist in the database but have slight differences with the records. Not in database. These include registrants whose names do not exist in the database.
Verification forms, when registrants in their area need manual verification, will be sent to the Regional and Division ICT Administrators. They shall coordinate with the Personnel Officer who shall identify which records in the records mismatched form are accurate and which registrants in the not in database form are actual employees. These forms shall be sent back to the Central Office Verification team in no more than 48 hours upon receipt.
Monthly manual verification reports will be submitted to the super administrators and the respective Regional Directors and Schools Divisions Superintendents.
Registration Kiosks One (1) computer terminal must be set up, to function as a registration facility, in every Regional and Division Office, and in all DepEd Training Centers from 1 October 2012 to 31 January This terminal should be readily available for all DepEd employees, both teaching and non- teaching.
The abovementioned computer terminal must have a stable internet connection. The default homepage, must be open during office hours. The Division/Region assigned ICT administrator shall be the responsible officer for the said registration kiosk.
I Shall Not Pass This Way Again Through this toilsome world, alas, Once and only once I pass, If a good deed I may do, If a kindness I may show To a suffering fellow man, Let me do it while I can, No delay for it is plain I shall not pass this way again. Author Unknown