for learning and teaching Centre for the Advancement of Learning and Teaching University of Tasmania
This is an introductory, hands-on session for staff considering using PebblePad, the University's ePortfolio tool, for teaching and learning during No experience with ePortfolios or PebblePad is required. Who should be here: anyone who wants to introduce the use of eportfolios into their learning and teaching.
Discuss a variety of learning and teaching outcomes that can be effectively supported by ePortfolios. Learn how to access PebblePad and use some of its components to achieve these learning and teaching outcomes. Know where you can locate support resources and obtain further assistance. Discuss the relative strengths and weaknesses of PebblePad, compared with existing learning and teaching tools.
An eportfolio is a purposeful presentation of digital artefacts which is aimed at a selected audience. An eportfolio may be used as evidence of learning, ideas, experiences, achievements and reflections. Centre for the Advancement of Learning and Teaching website (2010)
is an electronic presentation; tells a story to a selected audience; draws upon a collection of electronically stored artefacts; and is developed over a period of time. JISC (2008). Effective practice with e-Portfolios, p.7.
Prospective employers Registration board of professional body Course entry application Evidence of competence or ability Promotion Award or Grant application Record of, and aid to, personal development
What is it? What can it do?
What we are going to do in this session is: Look at a variety of Teaching & Learning strategies that you could include in an eportfolio Learn some of the tools in PebblePad that support these T&L strategies
Class participation Collaboration in projects Demonstration of practical skills and capabilities (and reflecting on practice) Developing reflective practice Presentation of work Formative Feedback
Answering questions Education (thought) Creating an Action, Study or Research Plan Nursing, AMC (action plan) Literature Review Education (thought) Submitting work (file) Arts, Engineering Case Study Business Law (thought, blog)
Collaborative projects for small groups Case study – Business Law Group presentation using the Webfolio Nursing Conference Zoology Meetings and Action Plans (showing the process of collaboration)
Clinical performance Nursing Medicine Capability based assessment Medicine Field experience Education Ability, Activity, Thought, File
Learning Journals Education Reflective Journals Nursing Individual and/or collaborative Reflecting on practical experience Medicine Education Blog or Webfolio (thoughts, etc)
Portfolio of tasks Education Medicine Group presentation Webfolio
Submitting work for feedback Send to … comment Tracking progress Use of gateways
Forms Profiles
PebblePad help including videos and tipsheet - or CALT eportfolios webpage (which includes links to a variety of resources) -