1. Martyn Hulme Managing Director, Co-operative Estates Building a better society! Presentation to EAUC Conference 12 th April 2011
Structure The Co-operative Group Sustainable Development Case Study: Co-operative Head Office and ‘NOMA’
The Co-operative Group – Our scale and scope … One of UK’s largest businesses c£14bn turnover / c£500m Profit 5,300 trading outlets 120,000 employees 20 million customers per week Record dividends paid to members and communities £2.5bn investment in last 3 years
Recent brand transformation, from this …
to this…
…improving inside and out!
…across the family of businesses Brand refit programme applied across all businesses
The Co-operative Group - a very large family! Our Retail Trading Businesses : Our Financial Services Businesses :
The Co-operative Estates Our Property Services, Investment and Development Business:
Co-operative Group Vision “To build a better society excelling in everything we do”
What makes us different? Our ownership model – Membership Our values and principles – Ethics in practice
Values and Principles - part of our DNA!
A Co-operative Approach to Business
Making Decisions with a Balanced Scorecard
Launch of Co-operative ethical plan
Responsible Retailing The Co-operative Food Ethical Policy aims to maintain and strengthen our position as the UK’s leading responsible retailer. Ethical trading Food quality, diet and healthCommunity retailing Animal welfare Open and honest Environmental impact
Ethical Banking Proud to be the World’s Most Sustainable Bank Our ethics in action: why we’re truly good with money FT SUSTAINABLE BANKING AWARDS 2010 Itaú Unibanco, Brazil
Protecting the Environment – key targets Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from our operations by 35% by 2017 Generate equivalent of 25% of electricity needs from renewable sources by 2017 Render our operations carbon neutral by 2012, utilising carbon offset solutions Construct a head-office by 2012 set new standards in sustainable design, construction and operation in the UK Ensure the vast majority of operational waste is diverted away from landfill by 2013 Reduce the environmental impact from packaging by a further 10% by 2012 Increase our carrier bag reduction target to 75% by 2013 Aim to be the UK’s leading retailer on forest protection Maintain our position as one of the UK’s most responsible retailers of fish Extend our Plan Bee campaign addressing the decline of ‘at risk’ pollinators, We will reduce the water consumption across our operations by 10% by 2013
Initiatives: Putting our Values into Action
A Co-operative Development Method
Everything is Connected
Commercial focus is still critical!
Addressing Rural Sustainability
A New Zero Carbon Settlement
An Urban Regeneration Solution
Case Study: The Co-operative Head Office and ‘NOMA’
New Head Office Major asset for the Group Operational costs savings Culture change Workplace transformation Break-down business silos Flexible working Environmental commitment ie BREEAM ‘Outstanding’
Sustainable Building Principles Optimised building form North / South orientation Max. Daylight / reduce solar gain Atrium Double skin façade Thermal mass in fabric Roof gardens
Obvious options insufficient Central ventilation via earth tube & exhaust via atrium Cooling via chilled beams Efficient lighting / controls Reduce solar gain Water efficiency plus recycling. Building Management System BREEAM Excellent DEC - D!
Commercial approach to solutions Heat recovery Major review of IT systems Combined heat & power (CHP) – running on bio-fuel. Waste heat linked to Absorption cooling. Excess power to grid. BREEAM Outstanding design DEC ‘A’ performance projected
Engaging with Colleagues 50% of respondents travel to work by car, then train (24%), bus (12%) Reasons: ease of use, time factors, convenience, and no realistic alternative 60% not be willing to consider an alternative, greener method of travel
More Than a New Building More than 4,300 jobs directly linked to the project Dozens of apprenticeships created New skills and training for construction workers Cutting edge technology being pioneered Learning opportunities for students of all ages
New district for North Manchester ‘NOMA’ Masterplan for £800m regeneration and development of 20 acre site
NOMA Adding value for the Group Adding value for the community – Home or work for 40,000 people – Public realm – Green travel planning – Apprenticeships and training – Local procurement – Education projects
NOMA Sustainability Co-operative committed to commercial sustainability Site heritage protected Targeting a carbon neutral scheme inc self sufficient energy generation Potential to create integrated business and residential community.. and many thousands of jobs!
41. Martyn Hulme Managing Director, Co-operative Estates Building a better society! Presentation to EAUC Conference 12 th April 2011