Timeline Changes and SPR&I Database Updates SPR&I Fall Training Day Two
General Supervision Timeline Review February 2007: ODE submitted APR (05-06 data) to OSEP March 2007: ODE publicly reported special education report card April 2007: Districts/programs submitted PCR data on new files. Districts also submitted analysis worksheets on KPI August 2007: SPR&I team made final determinations February 2008: ODE will submit APR (06-07 data) to OSEP
Indicators B9 & B10 Indicator 9: Percent of districts with disproportionate representation of racial and ethnic groups in special education and related services that is the result of inappropriate identification. (20 U.S.C. 1416(a)(3)(C)) Indicator 10: Percent of districts with disproportionate representation of racial and ethnic groups in specific disability categories that is the result of inappropriate identification. (20 U.S.C. 1416(a)(3)(C))
Needed Timeline Changes for Indicators B9 & B10 (05-06 data) September 07: County contacts will follow up with districts whose worksheets were insufficient in explaining the data using a protocol to look at policies, procedures and practices October 07: SPR&I core team and county contacts will determine if district data is justified by unique circumstances or the district is disproportionate in representation due to inappropriate identification November 07: Districts informed of final status Districts identified through this process will receive focused monitoring
Needed Timeline Changes for Indicators B9 & B10 (06-07 data) September 07: SPR&I database will be populated with data and districts will be notified if they are over the threshold (flagged) November 30, 2007: flagged districts will need to submit worksheet analysis to ODE December 07: ODE reviews analysis and informs districts of final status January 08: Districts identified through this process will be scheduled for focused monitoring
SPR&I School-age Changes Primary Disability Distribution - no longer a KPI (will remove bulls eye & thresholds) –A red light appears in the Analysis Required signal to the left when the percentage of IDEA eligible students in the district differs from the State percentage in any high incidence disability category by +/-30%. A green light signifies your district is within expected thresholds. A topical Primary Disability Worksheet is provided to document district analysis, if required. See Text Description for further explanation and instructions.
SPR&I School-age Changes Primary Disability by Ethnicity - new KPI (add bulls eye and threshold) There will be revisions made to the text description and a worksheet developed (adapted from PDD & Ethnicity worksheets) –This report is provided to assist the district in identifying potential issues of disproportionality as part of Primary Disability analysis. Highlighting appears in the data tables below if the percentage of IDEA eligible students in the district differs from the State percentage in any high incidence disability category by +/-30%. A topical Primary Disability Worksheet is provided to document district analysis, if highlighting appears. See Text Description for further explanation and instructions.
SPR&I School-age Changes cont’d Federal Placement - new targets will be added to coincide with the FFY 2006 SPP targets for Indicator B5 (72.5% or greater; 10.1% or less; 2.3% or less) Ethnicity, Primary Disability Distribution, Primary Disability by Ethnicity, Federal Placement by Ethnicity and Federal Placement reports –SPP/APR and 618 data should be based only on 6-21 year olds –Data will be displayed with 6-21 year olds and a separate line for 5 year olds on 12/1. –5 year olds are not included in the numbers that trigger the reports. They are included for the benefit of the district and to aid in analysis.