MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 1 WWW portal and Data management Session Goal:  Assess the MERSEA Information Management system (MIM), the.


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Presentation transcript:

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 1 WWW portal and Data management Session Goal:  Assess the MERSEA Information Management system (MIM), the visible and hidden face, and links with data centers  Prepare next move (TOP2, MERSEA closure, start of MCS) Agenda: 9h00 - 9h40: Presentation of MIM & project review – WP2.6 – (F. Blanc) 9h40 - 9h50: WWW and data management status from altimetry (O. Lauret) 9h50 – 10h00: WWW and data management status from Ocean Color (N. Hoeppfner) 10h00 -10h10: WWW and data management status from SST (H. Roquet) 10h10 – 10h20WWW and data management status for Sea Ice (S. Sandven) 10h h00: Discussion to improve WP2 produtcs visibility, on ashort term issue 11h h30: Coffee break 11h30 – 12h30: Discussion to improve WP2 produtcs visibility & organisation

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 2 Prerequesites

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 3 Project overall objectiveto build the backbone of GMES ocean, ie. : - Provide qualified observations and forecasts at global and regional scales,  R&D to improve individual systems for real- time ocean monitoring (common modelling framework, nesting of models, downscaling) - Integrate and organise present systems, improve and facilitate access to data, products and services Pre-Operational services - Seasonal weather forecasting - Ecosystem modelling in regional & shelf seas - Specific applications (marine safety, wave forecasts, offshore operations, ship routing, oil spill drift). Mersea: the target system

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 4 Web server FTP server Physical medium Web server Web server ? FTP server Physical medium ? MercatorTOPAZ FOAM MFS Coriolis GTS Météo-France Met OfficeCNES/CLS HCMR CMCNOAAISAC/GOS ECMWF NSIDC OSI/SAF Mersea Std.1 Portal Users SST Forcing fields Salinity, T° Altimetry Sea-ice Biological From where did we start?

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 5  Physical Ocean and primary ecosystem  Policy service  Research  Public Service  Commercial Mersea, a System of Systems State variables Analysis Reanalysis Forecasts Space Ground Segments CNES-ESA EUMETSAT NASA-NOAA In Situ Networks ARGO SOOP GOSUD Prediction NWP NOP Measurement Networks Observation Data Centers Satellite data Sea Level Sea Surface Temperature Sea Ice Ocean Colour Forcing data ECMWF FNMOC NCEP In Situ data CORIOLIS EuroGOOS Marine Forecast Centers Regional NW Shelves (NCOF) Mediterranean Sea (MFS) Arctic (TOPAZ) Baltic (BSH) Global MERCATOR

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 6 Mersea, an Integrated System Portals and Services n Not just to access data and information; n Services to different users, reliable and operational data access; n Research and development, training Classes of services (and classes of users): n Monitoring and basic mapping; n Operational forecasting; n Emergency response and crisis management; n On-demand customized products and information } } Generic - standard Downstream Search & Discover See & Understand Access & Manipulate Real time – daily production – + 15 years of data for a few parameters

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 7 High-Level Integration Integrated Project European Research Area n Bring together diverse teams into joint effort n Capitalize on research developments n Coordinated partnership, agreement on needs & solutions Integrated System n Common approach, standards, vocabulary, protocols, formats, coverages, services, data policy,.. n Networking, information management, data exchange and delivery, n Physical interfaces : nesting of models, forcing fields Integrated Strategy n Policy, funding issues, interagency arrangements, GMES framework n Quality service to users, reliability of products, interoperability & sustainability of services

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 8 What is MIM ?

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 9 Integrated and Distributed Infrastructure NeedsDesignRequirements  To avoid the user to worry about the complexity and get them satisfy in a simple way  Overall service organisation for a system of systems Central Management Services [coord., integration, monitoring] Thematic Integrator portals [cf. Remote Sensing] Thematic Assembly Centers [Relying on existing centers]  Agreement on sharing [production, access & use] Mission charter Quality charter Interoperability charter Business Charter  To inform the user What When Where Who … How  Central services (MIM) Catalogue User desk Access  Data management issues Standards Procedures Networking services [INSPIRE directive] Discovery Viewing Access [Transformation] [ V1 – V2 – V3] ORGANISATION IMPLEMENTATION

Data providers Information and management system (central & distributed) [Single Sign On] Unique address / multiple servers ACCESS [Viewing] [Transformation] [Download] User Management -Data policy -Service policy -User authorisation -Help desk Standard data transport [FTP][Opendap (http/https)] [WCS (hhtp/https)] [Other http(s)] TEP # i Information Diffusion Virtual datasets Archival TEP # j Information Diffusion Virtual datasets Archival TEP # k Information Diffusion Virtual datasets Archival TEP # l Information Diffusion Virtual datasets Archival Information Management System Discovery [List] [Search] [Browse] Metadata / InventoryCATALOG MONITORING/QUALITYMONITORING/QUALITY USERS System Administration Coordination & Synchronisation Information Order desk Dissemination High-level workflow (data / metadata / services) Add product in catalog Delete product in catalog Correspondance inventory / transport services

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 11 Project  System Development Implementation Plan (1/3) Integrated System = all components operated and interconnected together (observations & downscaling) V1: System definition & system in operation V2: Consider internal «SLA» between components DIP1 To organise

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 12 Project  System (& functions)  Services Development Implementation Plan (2/3) Functions = Production, Data Management Monitoring, Assessment, User Desk V1: at MIM level: Catalogue / Discovery + Integrated Quick View –MIV v1– (operational) at TAC level: Data sharing requirements V2: Inventory & Downloading for end to end demo through Single Sign On system : oil spill, GODIVA2 Monitoring (technical KPI) & Assessment (scientific metrics) User desk (access + help desk) MIV v2 (forecasts, time-series through class 2 & 3 – sections, moorings, transports –, ocean indicators) DIP1 To organise DIP2 (V1) To produce

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 13 Project  System (& functions)  Services to Users Development Implementation Plan (3/3) Services feedback = -A clear understanding of the Core Service definition (internal & external) -Assess the quality of the products and the end-to-end performance of the system -Demonstration: link with core users DIP1 To organise DIP2 (V1) To produce DIP3 (V2) To provide information + Demo

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 14  Components Observations Acquisition Data Processing Ocean Modelling Nowcasts Forecasts Hindcasts Production Integration Delivery Monitoring & Control Information& Quality Assessment Data Management User Desk Data Assimilation Model Nesting  Functions  Services to Users (Core + Value added)

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 15 The visible face (V1)

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 16 Web portal  Unique and common access  Network of web sites and services CORIOLIS AVISO/ALTIMETRY/SSALTO/DUACS MERCATOR NCOF INGV DMI NERSC JRC IFREMER (product coord.) CLS (services coord.) ENEA (help desk) GHRSST-PP/MEDSPIRATION/ Ocean/ICE SAF

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 17 Remote Sensing portal

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 18 Remote Sensing portal Catalogue

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 19 Marine Forecast Centers portal Same model ID card for all models

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 20 Catalogue Discovery Core Services pages Access Services

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 21 Catalogue Search Google Search like Search in metadatabase

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 22 Mersea Quick-View service GlobalMediterranean Baltic NE Atlantic Arctic Browsing

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 23 V1 features n Easy access, all regions, parameters in one click, 3 level of depths m n No data, “low-resolution” maps or images for browsing n Input= gridded products served via Opendap, only one Mersea official product per region (observation or analysis/forecast type, qualified to region scale) n Homogeneous maps and color scales, coherent navigation bar n 4 levels of zooms, products approppriate per area and change areas like into a mappy system n Keep images on computers (pop up windows) n Direct link to the appropriate product information into the catalogue (and its real resolution) n No specific interpretation (report) of images is given Mersea Quick-View service Browsing

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 24 Mersea Quick-View service Link to data center Link to catalogue information Viewing per large ocean region South PacificIndianSouth AtlanticAntarctic Tropical Pacific North Pacific Tropical Atlantic North Atlantic Browsing

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 25 ObservationsOcean model  15 ocean parameters in coherent way TemperatureSea LevelSalinityCurrent Sea Level Anomaly Geosptrophic Current Temperature Salinity

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 26  15 ocean parameters in coherent way Observations MSLA (DUACS) SST (MF) Analysis T (MERCATOR Océan)

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 27 Downloading Standalone Access to TEP Access to Operator Viewing Services Access Services Operational Indicators

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 28 Other Viewing Integrated LAS

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 29 Monitoring for Inventory (V0) MERSEA V2: KPI to be implemented + user help desk

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 30 The hidden face (V1) - at MIM level - at TAC level

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 31 Documentation available MERSEA-WP05-MERCA-STR-005Overall Specification of the Mersea IS MERSEA-WP05-MERCA-STR-0010Services specification for V1 MERSEA-WP05-ASP-STR-001Definition of technical indicators (KPI) MERSEA-WP05-MERCA-STR-007Definition of scientific indicators (metrics) MERSEA-WP06-IFR-UMAN-001Guidelines to partners for system integration MERSEA-WP06-IFR-UMAN-002Guidelines for provider: Catalogue MERSEA-WP06-CLS-UMAN-001Guidelines for Provider: Gridded Data Format MERSEA-WP06-CLS-UMAN-002Guidelines for Provider: Opendap Installation & Configuration Guide MERSEA -WP02-CLS-UMAN-001Guidelines to edit the document listing products MERSEA-WP02-CLS-UMAN-002Guidelines to edit the User Manual MERSEA -WP02-CLS-UMAN-003Guidelines to edit the User Tutorial MERSEA-WP01-IFR-TECN-001 Basic structure of Mersea website MERSEA-WP01-IFR-TECN-002Guidelines for Mersea webmasters (+ the webmaster kit) MERSEA-WP06-CLS-TECN-001Guideline for Ocean Forecast TEP administrators & webmasters MERSEA-WP02-CLS-TECN-001Guideline for Remote Sensing TEP administrators & webmasters

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 32 Catalogue and Inventory Catalogue describes n What (systems, qualification, parameters, …) n Where (geographical extent, geographical resolution) n When (temporal extent (without exact dates), temporal resolution) n Who (producers, …) n Delivery (license, description of available services, …) n Update (versions, release …) n Catalogue & data management issues Inventory describes n Exact dates of a data set (begin date, end date, delivery date) n Actual name of dataset (file name(s), file size, …) n Services (actual addresses, …)

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 33 Discovery metadata

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 34 Process to understand

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 35 Process to register

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 36  Catalogue Information [XML schema + ISO19115 metadata (FGDC) + ocean vocabulary (COARDS/CF)]  Production [daily production with quality assessment – error bar - & operational monitoring – KPI]  Numerical data format [NetCDF format + some discovery metadata]  Gridded images format [georeferenced maps, OGC rules]  Services offered with production  Transport FTP, Opendap with aggregation in time, WCS Single Sign On access  Inventory THREDDS technology  Viewing At MIM level: public browse for window/demo (MIV) + for swath data ? At User level: DQV (Google Earth type, GIS functions)  Monitoring and Operational Reporting (KPI = Key Process Indicators, metrics for operationality) At TAC level: KPI1 = Quality of production, At MIM level: KPI2 = Quality of organisation (delivery fiability), KPI3 = Redundancy (back up)  Others - Documentation [minimum required]  Manuals  Qualifiers + Context file Ocean data sharing requirements V1 V2 V1 V2 V1 V2 Demonstration exercise on North-Atlantic region with a few TACs (see later)

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 37 Feedback on MIM during presentation of thematic leaders Discussion to improve all this in second part of session

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 38 Project Review

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 39 WP2.6 objectives General objectives Coordinate efforts in remote sensing data availability and distribution Develop a two-way link with MIM DIP3 focus consolidate Mersea web services decentralise the Remote Sensing portal (from TEP to TAC level) check application of data sharing plan requirements support TOP2 goals thinking beyond Mersea

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 40 Milestones To+24 (march 2006) Start of year 2 and next DIP, Mersea yearly meeting Annual year 2 report and DIP3 To+30 (september 2006  november 2006) Preparation for TOP2, MEC meeting Review of MERSEA integrated system and Remote Sensing integration To+36 (march 2007) Start of TOP2, end of year 3, Mersea yearly meeting Assessment & prospective workshop Annual year 3 report and preparation of project end* To + 42 (september 2007) - every 6 month milestone - Final documentation To + 48 (march 2008) - end of DIP3, end of project - Final assessment

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 41 Deliverables (1/2) List of products (product lines identification & discovery metadata) D2.6.3 for satellite altimetry (CLS)OK (30/06/2005) D2.6.4 for SST (IFREMER  MF)OVERDUE  compilation of metadata D2.6.5 for ocean colour (JRC)OK (30/06/2005) D2.6.6 for sea ice (MetNo) OK (30/06/2005) User manual D2.6.9 for satellite altimetry (CLS)OK (30/06/2005) D for SST (IFREMER  MF)OVERDUE  GHRSST-PP User guide D for ocean colour (JRC)OK (with D2.6.5) D for sea ice (MetNo) OVERDUE  OK (14/11/2006) User tutorial D for satellite altimetry (CLS)OK (31/12/2005) D for SST (IFREMER  MF)OVERDUE D for ocean colour (JRC)OVERDUE D for sea ice (MetNo) OVERDUE How to handle it ?

MERSEA – WP2.6 Tuesday 21 November 2006 Page 42 Deliverables (2/2) Report on web site uses & feedback every six month D /06/2005OK D /12/2005OVERDUE  OK D /06/ /06/2006OK D at To+30 (30/09/2006) (CLS) D at To+36 (30/03/2007) (CLS) D at To+42 (30/09/2007) (CLS) Monitoring/Assessment report (with implementation status) (ie. monitoring tables filled by each operator and annexed) D2.6.19All (30/09/2006)OVERDUE  Minutes of the meeting  and next yearly activity report Decentralisation status Only Ocean colour Who is next ?