Yugoslavia Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Iranian response to the US allowing the Shah into our country for cancer treatment Case brought against Nixon requiring him to turn over recordings from oval office Woodward & Bernstein 3 rd Party Candidate in Bush-Clinton election, he received 20% of the votes Camp David Accords Reporters that first connected Nixon to the scandal First woman on Supreme Court, nominated by Reagan Phyllis Schlafly Ross Perot Technological changes caused people to move to the South & West – Name for that area? Sandra Day O’Connor Stagflation Sun Belt Endangered Species Act Inflation + Unemployment
Wisconsin v Yoder Panama Canal Treaty Attempt to add “gender” protection in the Constitution- never passed Sam Walton Carter agrees to give control of Panama Canal region back to Panama by 2000 The President that was never elected, but appointed VP Equal Rights Amendment North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Regulates air and water pollution standards The amount of $ the gov’t spends beyond what it collects in taxes Gerald Ford Ayatollah Khomeni Federal Deficit Iranian Hostage Crisis Iranian leader that replaced the Shah when he was forced out Law requiring endangered specie be listed and steps taken for protection
Reagan Doctrine International Organizations Group that imposed an oil embargo on the US & Western Europe Arms secretly sold to Iran so Lebanon would release US hostages-profits given to Contras to fight Communist gov’t in Nicaragua Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) Areas in Northeast & Midwest w/coal & iron resources that saw population loss Iran-Contra Affair (During Reagan) Nixon’s 1 st Vice President that resigned for taking bribes as Governor Rust Belt Agreement Carter negotiated between Anwar Sadat/Egypt and Menachem Begin/Israel Policy of relaxing tensions – Nixon’s approach to the Soviet Union Spiro Agnew Nuclear Regulatory Commission United States v Nixon Detente Opposed the Women’s Liberation Movement
Conservative group, begun by Rev. Jerry Falwell that supported Reagan Case where students’ 1 st Amendment right to protest Vietnam War was upheld Moral Majority Tinker v Des Moines New policy on communism, not containment, but roll back Attempt to improve economy by reducing taxes & biz regulations – more goods=lower prices Helsinki Accords Founder of the world’s largest retailer- Walmart & Sam’s Club This complex was broken into & Nixon denied knowing of the cover up Reaganomics Agreement signed w/Ford recognizing post-WWII boundaries & human rights GATT, NAFTA, WTO, SEATO, OAS Freedom of religion upheld- Amish children not required to attend school w/conflicting values Watergate US/Canada/ Mexico trade association-let to moving of manufacturing Agency Carter created to develop strict standards for nuclear energy (After 3 mile island) Ethnic cleansing occurred by Serbs of Muslims in Bosnia & Kosovo after this country dissolved