Ukrainian Research and Academic Network Electronic libraries Distance learning System “Education” Information technologies in science Ukrainian information portal Information technologies in education 1
Universities, institutes, academic organizations - developers of distance learning in regions System structure of distance learning at national level Coordinating and providing organizations Computer network of education and science (URAN) United catalogue, knowledge bank and informatical resources Students, listeners Centers of distance learning and professional orientation 3
Distance Learning Constituents Shell of Distance Learning Constituents Information content Knowledge checking facilities Data exchange facilities Facilities of educational process control Administration facilities 4
Scientific and technical libraries of universities Network of electronic libraries National Vernadsky library Public libraries Electronic resources of Distance Learning Centres Scientific library of NTUU “KPI” Scientific libraries of National academy of science Regional libraries Regional electronic libraries of Distance Learning 5
Information-industrial system «Osvita» Production section documents manufacture Databases Information aquisition centre Universities Issue of documents on education Controlling unit Ministry of Education and Science Documents Data on documents issue 6
Напрямки системного застосування інформаційних технологій State management and economy Ecology, environmental protection, medicine, biology Scientific research and new technologies Culture Mass media Internet technologies Education Fields of system application of information technologies 7
INTELLECTUAL NETWORKS AND DEVELOPMENT OF INTELLECTUAL SERVICE Іntellectual superstructure Function of creation and implementation of services API Services control function INAP Commutation functions DATABASES, KNOLEWDGE BASES INTELLECTUAL AGENT Functional model of intellectual network 8
System of economic safety “Ecosafety” System of forecast of macroeconomic indices “Forecast of GP” System of information follow-up the pension reform Information technologies in economy The simulation system “The budget of Ukraine” System of research and follow-up of infestment processes Information technologies in economy 9
Information technologies in state management System of informational analytical activities System of social processes forecast Expert system of analysis and decision making System of automatic control in document flow “Rada” system Information technologies in state management 10
Intellectual works Critical technologies Computer system of graphic and speech information processing Computer technological systems and complexes Neural-computer Critical technologies 11
Information Technologies in ecology, environmental protection, medicine, biology Technologies of environment parameters estimation Technologies of risk estimation of ecologically unsafe production Technologies of analysis, forecast and decision making in connection with emergencis System of ecological equipment design Telemedicine for diagnosis of critically dangerous diseases Information analytical technologies for treatment of complicated diseases Information Technologies in ecology, environmental protection, medicine, biology 12
Chornobyl Telemedicine Project 13
The scheme of the sarcophagus state and weather conditions monitoring 14
Environmental monitoring centers 15
Plutonium Chornobyl 17
Adults The adolescents Children Cardiovascular system Endocrine system Communicable diseases Organs of digestion Eye diseases Adults Adolescents Children Respiratory apparatus Frame of a case rate of the inhabitants Slavutych ( 2002 ) 19
Risk factors Vibration Ionizing radiation Toxic chemical substances Occupational dust Accidents 20
Department of medical and social Examination ICTMICTM Kiev EDNES Urban center of telemedicine Medical establishments of the Ministry Public Health Services of Ukraine Medical establishments STMCSTMC Slavutych Specialized medical sanitarian part Diagnostic rehabilitation Center Department of monitoring and prevention Department of professional health Diagnostics Department Information analytical Department 30 кm Exclusion zone Department of extreme medicine ICTM – International Center of Telemedicine STMC – Slavutych Telemedicine Center 21