I have to give power and encouragement to myself. Today, with great devotion, I used silver power and mix with ink to write the Heart Sutra. I was a little weak with shaky hands. I had wrong characters in the first copy and missing characters in the second. I wrote this third copy with great concentration. It took me almost three hours to finish. I felt that Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is accompanying me to overcome my sickness. Ven. Yin Yeung February 15, :47 pm Sharing by Sister Jessie on this calligraphy (Click to listen)
衍陽法師最新消息 不管生活過得怎樣,總有一些空間應該屬於自己的。抽一分鐘 時間,讓心安靜下來,感恩上天待自己不薄、感恩遇到的一切 因緣、感恩還可以擁有呼吸。 我們得到的已經很多了,就像今日,竟然完全屬於你和我。人 人用感恩的心去做一件善事、去幫一個人、或者去處理一些久 未完成的事吧。當為自己、為他人盡了一點綿力後,你會發覺 ,每天都是人日。 衍陽 2015 年 2 月 25 日上午 09:47 Latest Update from Ven. Yin Yeung No matter how we live our life, there is always time and space that belongs to us. Take a minute, allow your heart to settle down, thank the heavens for treating you kindly, be grateful for all the affinity, and be grateful that we are still breathing. We have been granted so much, like today everything belongs to you and me. If each of us should do a good deed with a grateful heart, be it helping an individual, or complete a long forgotten unfinished task either for yourself or for others, you will discover every day is People Day*. 衍陽 (Ven. Yin Yeung) 2015 年 2 月 25 日上午 09:47 (February 25, 2015, 9:47 AM) * On the 7th day of the Lunar Calendar, it is People Day.
A patient has a patient’s own responsibilities: treatment, rest, meditate, take food and drink and to connect affectionately and cordially to Medicine Buddha. Everyday I am relaxed, content and grateful. When oneself realized to have gained more than lost, at that moment, everyone is Amitayus Buddha. This is not my birthday, it is an encouragement from people around me wishing me rebirth by placing a candle on every cake and biscuit. When my mind is filled with brightness, everyday is a “Birth” day. Ven. Yin Yeung, February 12, 2015