Raising the profile of Student Feedback Surveys
Quality Support Sally Iles, Learning & Teaching Adviser Liz Morrow, Principal Administrator Students’ Union Steven Meyer, Advice and Representation Manager Adam White, Vice President Academic Affairs
To improve programme delivery – engaging with students to identify what works well and what could be improved upon To comply with QAA Code of Practice relating to routine programme monitoring and review/ periodic review (plus some PSRB requirements) For internal purposes to check if meeting local targets/KPIs To enable comparisons across the sector and over time which inform student choice of programme/institution
External surveys o NSS, DLHE, PRES, PTES, Student Barometer Internal surveys o Programme feedback questionnaire (on-line survey, OMR) o Module feedback questionnaire (eLP, OMR) o Teaching feedback questionnaire (OMR) o Other (Library, Student Services, Students’ Union) Supported by marketing campaigns which will include SU involvement as well as representation from Schools
Consideration needs to be given to Programmes operating in normal academic cycle Accommodating programmes which run outside this cycle PSRB/other stakeholder requirements International students, Collaborative Venture programmes, Corporate programmes
Annual survey of most final year UG students Mandatory, organised by HEFCE Intensely resourced campaign, carried out by Ipsos MORI (using , text, paper questionnaire and then telephone) + local institution/SU campaigns 2010 NU campaign, contentious…..
Response rate currently 76% compared to 60% for the sector
Previous year’s HESA return is used to predict which students will be eligible for NSS Students may not be included or surveyed at the wrong time if HESA return is incorrect Corrections to SITS must be made before HESA return committed (October of previous year) Problem areas: student moves from 4 to 3 year programme or vice versa student repeats year and surveyed 1 year early (can’t be surveyed twice)
Results published on the Unistats website and used for league tablesUnistats Classified by sector JACS subject code - can be difficult to attribute to programmes Publication threshold - 23 Students and 50% students responding Shows % agree (those answering questions 4 mostly agree/ 5 definitely agree)
NU can access qualitative feedback and quantitative results (≥10 responses) on Ipsos MORI Results site Also provides alternative NU ‘departmental’ analysis of data Results disseminated directly to Schools/Services and (via data warehouse) available from Northumbria World/Outlook folders for annual programme monitoring and periodic review University/School/Service action plans monitored by School & University Learning & Teaching Committees and by VCEG
Am I repeating myself? Are you going to do something about it? What do I get out of it?
The idea / campaign Examples: Assessment feedback (minimum standards) Anonymous results Library opening hours over Easter (All) Disruptive behaviour (All) Room booking systems (HCES) New feedback sheets (SASS)
………..Northumbria University will work to: Achieve in all subject areas at least 90% satisfaction in the National Student Survey (NSS)