Learnings from yesterday Global approach: all diseases and all clinical settings rather than focusing on particular diseases Institutional leadership & involvement of multiple stakeholders National strategy for the management of DRM: institutional coordination Budget allocation for specific regional plans
Priority actions per focus country Enlarge mapping of nutritional situation in primary care, day care centers and nursing homes Defining state malnutrition strategy and get approval in Interegional Council Definition of nutrition assessment and treatment in the contract with hospitals and primary care Development of local action plans: Screening & Assessment, Treatment, Monitoring Establishing Alliances with Partners that can support the implementation of the action plans Recommendation of Incorporation of nutritional parameters in accreditation process linked toa economic consequences
Key progress indicators (KPI’s) for Spain Increasing the percentage of nutrition screening and treatment in the different clinical settings Participation in nutrtition education programs for HCP Increasing the coding of malnutriton and its treatment Incorporation of nutrition assessment and treatment parameters in healthcare delivery quality indicators