EU-PC Double Degree Master Program in Automation / Mechatronics (MPAM) PROJECT PLANED ACTIVITIES FOR JUNE-DECEMBER nd Co-ordination meeting 4-5 June, Saratov, Russian Federation
1.3. Draft of the Master Program Curriculum by October 2012 WG1 develops a draft version of Curriculum of the JMP in Automation/Mechatronics. Selection of EU partner for each RU/UA university Selection of basic speciality by each RU/UA university Selection of Disciplines for JMP Agreement of plan, hours, credits, etc
1.4. Technology of Double Degree students’ training by October 2012 WG2 develops a technology of the Double degree students' training working parallel with the WG1. Admission of students, selection for JMP by RU/UA universities Admission of students by EU universities Students' training in EU universities Academic records transfer Final state attestation of students, Diplomas
1.5. JMP & DDTST discussion, finalizing and approval by October 2012 EU and RU/UA partner universities discuss JMP & DDTST JMP & DDTST are approved by Scientific Councils of the PC Universities JMP & DDTST are coordinated with the PC Ministries of Education during October March 2013
1.6. Syllabi of disciplines of the Joint Master Program from October 2012 WG1 develops Syllabi of disciplines by January 2013 (to be then coordinated with EU universities)
1.7. Agreements between participating universities by October 2012 Bilateral and many-sided Agreements between participated universities developed by the WG2, discussed and agreed by all partners.
1.8. Presentation of the Joint Master Program in Automation / Mechatronics November 2012 Draft JMP and DDTST presented and discussed at the 2nd PT Conference in Kharkiv
2.1. PC teachers' selection & English skills upgrading by October 2012 Six teachers from every PC University selected by University Administration Lists of teachers approved by PMC English skills upgrade in home universities (courses – funding by co-financing, 120 Euro/day x 12 days = 1440 Euro) English skills improvement by self-learning
2.2. RU & UA teachers’ training abroad October 2012 First two-week Retraining Sessions (RS) conducted in the EU Universities Participance: For the 1 st RS, each PC university sends 3 teachers, each EU university receives 8 teachers RS focus: Advanced Mechatronics, modern EU methods of students' training
RU & UA teachers’ training abroad: distribution for the 1 st RS, October 2012 Origin / Destination / Number of people RUSSTUCZTUL3 RUTSTUCZTUL3 UAKPICZTUL1 UAKhPICZTUL1 RULETIBGTU-Sofia3 UAKhPIBGTU-Sofia2 UASevNTUBGTU-Sofia3 RUNSTUFRBPU3 UAKPIFRBPU2 UAZSTUFRBPU3
2.7. Teaching Materials for the JMP teaching from October 2012 WG1 makes a list of teaching materials necessary for the support of the JMP The PMC forms Authors' Team (AT) in October 2012 (2 persons from each university) From November 2012 AT adapts, translates and develops teaching materials
3.3. Draft version of Quality Assurance System and Guide on its use by November 2012 WG3 develops a draft version of QAS and its Regulated documents, including Guide on QAS use
3.4. Progress Seminar of WG3 in Zhytomyr September 2012 Two-days Progress Seminar devoted to discussion of ways of adaptation the existent EU QAS to the conditions of the PC Universities with a glance of PC legislation and traditions Participance: 1 representative from NSTU, TSTU, LETI, KPI, KhPI and MESU
3.5. QAS discussion in PC Universities and finalizing from November 2012 The QAS and its Regulated documents, including Guide on QAS discussed at PC universities in November-December 2012 (to be then finalized by WG3)
4.2. Concept of the International Hybrid Learning Space by August 2012 IHLS is an interlink of the real learning space (traditional face-to-face students' training) and virtual learning space (e-learning, virtual students' mobility, e-library, etc.) The Concept includes academic, organizational, methodological, and technical aspects of the IHLS
4.3. Discussion, confirmation, finalizing and approval September-December 2012 Draft IHLS Concept discussed in the EU and PC Universities Finalized by the WG4 in accordance with the received remarks Approved by the PC University Scientific Councils
4.4. Regulated documents development and legalization from December 2012 Documents regulated the IHLS operation (Statute, Agreements between participants, etc.) and Methodical Guide on work in the International Hybrid Learning Space are developed starting from December 2012
4.5. Equipment purchase and installation October 2012 ― January 2013 PMC specifies a list of necessary equipment Carries out the tender Purchases and installs the equipment in the PC Universities
Equipment purchasing and installation: the procedure Documents prepared and collected by PC members (announcement of a tender, tender propositions from companies, selection of the best proposition with written explanation, contract and invoice) Direct payments to be done by Grant Holder 5 PCs for students financed by each PC university's co-financing (700 Euro x 5 PCs = 3500)
9.1. Coordination meetings November 2012, Kharkiv 3 rd Coordination meeting 2 nd PT Conference: JMP and DDTST discussion, coordination and approval Monitoring by Ukrainian national Tempus office Participance: each EU and PC university sends 1 representative for 3 days (Coordination meeting) and 1 more representative for 5 days (PT Conference), except for TUL, which sends 2 persons for 5 days each. KIA, MESU and EPASU send 1 representative for 5 days.
Thank you for the attention!