Lab Safety: What could happen?
Chemical Burns
Cuts and Injuries
Avoiding Accidents Prevention is the Key to Safety There are 10 keys tips to help students avoid most laboratory accidents. 1 : Think safety first. Most accidents and injuries can be avoided by simply planning ahead. Look for possible hazards and situations that could cause a problem. Always wear the proper lab safety equipment. (Goggles, Lab apron, full length pant, and shoes that cover the foot.)
2: Know the location of all the emergency equipment. It is important to respond to an accident quickly. Knowing where the safety equipment is will save valuable response time. Eye wash First aid kit Lab safety shower Fire blanket Spill clean up kit Fire extinguisher
3: Know how to respond to emergencies. What do you do if you find chipped or cracked glass ware? Throw it away in the broken glass container. What do you do if you spill a chemical? Notify your instructor and others around you. Take proper precautions to clean it up. What do if you get a cut ? Notify your instructor before putting on a bandage. Which fire extinguisher should I use ? Know which type of fire and class of extinguisher. What should you do if someone’s clothes or hair should catch on fire? Get the fire blanket and cover the fire.
4: Know what your working with. MSDS sheets Material Safety Data Sheets Flammable : means catches on fire easily. Keep away from open flame. Volatile : means turns into a gas easily. This chemical should be used in a hood and keep it away from open flame. Hazardous : means this chemical can harm you. Use protective equipment.
5 : Know the signs, symbols and equipment.
6: Use the smallest possible amount. Reaction speed and energy released increases with them amount used. Using too much can cause a reaction to get out of control. Do not use more chemical than the directions allow. Only use more chemical if the instructor tells you it is ok. 7 : Read the directions and follow all safety procedures. Most accidents can be avoided by reading the directions before starting on the lab. Unauthorized experiments can hurt others as well as the ones who are doing the experiment.
8 : Report dangerous activities and situations. Call attention to people who are practicing unsafe habits like horseplay. Inform other groups if you see a potential hazard that they may not see. 9 : Store and dispose of all hazardous materials safely. Do not discard chemical down the sink unless you are given permission to do so. Some chemical may have to be placed in special containers.
10 : If you do not know … ASK! If you not sure what something means or you do not understand what to do, ask your instructor. If you are not sure how to dispose of chemical, ask your instructor. Most questions can be answered if you have read the directions. Asking the instructor is not a replacement for reading. If you do not understand something, that is ok. Asking too many question can be a safety hazard. You will be drawing the instructors attention away from the group. First, read your directions. Second, reread your directions. Last, ask your instructor if you do not understand.
Get out a sheet of paper. We are going to identify potential lab safety hazards. Identify as many safety hazards as you can from the picture.
Identify the hazards with each student. Sue John Jim Duke Ray and Tim Betty Joe Luke May Bob Carl Tina
Lab safety rules
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