Starter: August 27, 2015 Science is a Blast! Circle everything that is wrong in the picture Essential Question : Why is important to be able to follow safety procedures in the classroom?
Agenda 1. Starter: Science is a Blast! 2. Safety Foldable 3. Poster
Practice As a class, we will review the most important safety equipment
Rules in the Lab Read the instructions before you begin any lab Absolutely NO food or drinks allowed in the lab area NO running or horse playing in the lab If an accident occurs TELL THE TEACHER IMMEDIATELY!!! Clean your area and wash your hands after you have finished
Safety Equipment Goggles Always wear goggles when any chemicals, glass containers, or heat is being used Most important piece of safety equipment we will use!
Safety Equipment Eye Wash Use the eye wash to flush your eyes if you get any glass and/or chemicals in your eye for at least 5 minutes Know where your eye wash is located in your Science Lab
Equipment con’t Apron –Always wear an apron when dealing with harmful chemicals or hazardous materials
Equipment con’t Gloves –Use gloves when heat is present or harmful chemicals to the skin are being used
Equipment con’t Always have long hair pulled back when working with heat and/or chemicals to prevent hair loss No open toed shoes when using glass or harmful chemicals –Try to be aware of when labs are and dress accordingly
Equipment con’t Fire Blanket –Use the fire blanket to smother a fire by throwing it over the fire and patting the fire out
Equipment con’t Fire Extinguisher –Use the fire extinguisher by pulling the pin, aiming the nozzle, and squeezing the handle – jyOaohttp:// jyOao
Application/Connection/Exit Poster – create a compare /contrast poster where you show a student with incorrect dress and correct dress. Explain why on both. Describe the significance of the student’s dress and behavior.