NOAA National Data Buoy Center Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Program Ocean Climate Observation System Review Thursday, October 28 th, 2010 NOAA National Data.


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Presentation transcript:

NOAA National Data Buoy Center Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Program Ocean Climate Observation System Review Thursday, October 28 th, 2010 NOAA National Data Buoy Center, Tropical Atmosphere Ocean (TAO) Program, Shannon McArthur, TAO Program Manager

“What impact would a 30% reduction in ship time on the Ka’imimoana have on the tropical Pacific ocean observing system, and what approach should be taken to continue monitoring and delivery of observing system data necessary for essential analysis and forecasting?” -NOAA/CPO’s Climate Observation Division CONTEXT

“What If Scenario” 30% Marine Service Reduction

FYPlanned OMAO Allocation Additional (Program Funded) ship days purchased from OMAO Outsourced ship days Total FY Allocation (all sources) FY DAS GAP Plan vs. Actual % KARB Other NOAA R/V KARB Other NOAA R/V UNOLS Commercial Charter % % % % % % % % TAO Experienced 13% Reduction in Ship Time FY07 – FY10

FYMission ID Marine Service Provider Vessel Name Ship Days Purchased Cost Funding Sponsor Contract No. / ISA 08SurchargeNOAA/OMAON/A $413,000NWSLO Transfer 09KA-09-01NOAA/OMAONOAA KA2$25,000NWSLO Transfer 09WE-09-01UNOLSUNOLS Wecoma41$828,230OAR FY09 Charter Funds 10KA-09-05NOAA/OMAONOAA KA28$372,400NWSLO Transfer 10WE-10-01UNOLSUNOLS Wecoma41$930,555NWSISA 38 11KA-10-06NOAA/OMAONOAA KA34$367,000NWSLO Transfer 11KA-10-07NOAA/OMAO NOAA KA 33$367,000OARLO Transfer 11KA-11-01NOAA/OMAO NOAA KA 33$367,000OMAOLO Transfer NOAA Resources Reprogrammed (FY09-FY11) to fill NOAA Fleet Allocation Gap: $3,257,185

NOAA FY KA’ Allocated by NOAA RB Allocated by NOAA Total Allocation NOAA Ship Time Acquisitions (Non-Allocated Ship Time Purchased to support the Program) FY $0 FY $0 FY $0 FY $0 FY $0 FY $853K (43 Days) FY $1,303K (69 Days) FY $1,101K (100 Days) $3,257,185 The Marine Service Acquisition Approach for TAO has Changed 1 st Time

TAKE AWAY ---- * 8 Service Missions per FY are needed to sustain 80% performance target * TAO Performance Impact Since FY04 : Loss 8%  10% * 30% reduction in ship time = 5 service missions per FY  55% (+/-10%) Data Availability "...the crowning achievement of TOGA was the development of the Tropical Atmosphere/Ocean (TAO) array..." EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 78(1), 7 January 1997