1 S200i Formalizing the Tier2/Secondary System Intervening Early through the Behavior Education Plan – A Research Based Example
2 Objectives Name the critical features and process of Check- In/Check-Out Explain how to use data for decision making and on-going progress monitoring Action Planning: Complete Check-In/Check-Out Action Plan
3 All of the information for this presentation can be found in Responding to Problem Behavior in Schools: The Behavior Education Program by Deanne A. Crone, Robert H. Horner, and Leanne S. Hawken. (2004), published by Guilford Press.
4 Primary Prevention: School-wide/Classroom/ Non-classroom Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings Secondary Prevention: Targeted Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior Tertiary Prevention: Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior ~80% of Students ~15% ~5% CONTINUUM OF SCHOOL-WIDE POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT Today’s focus
5 The Behavior Education Program (BEP) Part of a larger behavior support effort in a school Targets students who demonstrate persistent, but NOT dangerous, patterns of problem behavior AND who do not respond well to school-wide behavioral expectations.
Effective SWPBS in place Student not responding to SWPBS Implement basic BEP Increase structure, check-in, check-out Frequent feedback Connection with key adult Is the basic BEP effective in reducing problem behavior? Yes Continue basic BEP Transition to self- management when appropriate No Conduct brief functional assessment Adjust intervention based upon the results of the brief functional assessment: Escape-motivated BEP BEP + academic support Intensive behavior support The basic BEP is the focus for today’s session
7 The Behavior Education Program (BEP) Based on a DAILY check-in/check-out system –Daily Progress Report (DPR) Provides IMMEDIATE feedback to students and increased POSITIVE adult attention Has clearly defined EXPECTATIONS and immediate and delayed reinforcement for meeting behavioral expectations
8 Integrating the BEP and Other Identification Systems Administrators should carefully coordinate the multiple services offered within a school Examine the identification process for each service –Assess for inefficient, redundant, or overly bureaucratic systems
9 Committee, project, or initiative PurposeOutcomeTarget GroupStaff Involved BEP TeamReduce problem behavior for at- risk students Decrease the number of students requiring intensive interventions Students with repetitive behavior problems BEP coordinator, principal, representative sample of staff Working Smarter, Not Harder
10 Behavior Education Program (BEP) Core principles of positive behavior support –Clearly defined expectations –Instruction on appropriate social skills –Increased positive reinforcement for meeting expectations –Contingent consequences for problem behaviors –Increased positive contact with an adult in the school –Opportunities for self-management –Increased home-school communication
11 Behavior Education Program (BEP) Efficient and Cost-Effective –Continuously available –Requires no more than 5-10 minutes per teacher per day –No lengthy assessment process is conducted prior to student receiving BEP support –Many students can be supported on the system at one time
Behavior Education Program (BEP) Defining Features Efficient –10-30 students at a time Continuously available Check-in/Check-out Each class begins with a positive Increase of contingent feedback Low teacher effort Links behavioral and academic support Implemented by ALL Students CHOOSE to participate Continuous monitoring and use of data 12
13 BEP/Check-in Check-out Cycle Weekly BEP Meeting 9 Week Graph Sent Program Update EXIT BEP Plan Morning Check-In Afternoon Check-out Home Check-In Class Check in Class Check out Teacher Checks Daily Throughout The Day
14 BEP Daily Features Start and end each day with a POSITIVE contact with an adult Frequent monitoring and behavioral feedback throughout the day
15 CICO Record Name: ____________________________ Date: ______________ 2 = great 1 = OK 0= hard time SafeResponsibleRespectful Check In Before Recess Before Lunch After Recess Check Out Today’s goalToday’s total points Comments: Parent Signature:___________________________________________________ School-wide Expectations Scoring Guide Expected level of achievement
17 Goals A.M. to Midmorning Midmorning to Lunch LunchP.M. to Specials Class Specials Class P.M. to Dismissal Be Safe Be Kind Be Responsible Total Points Teacher Initials Daily Goal ____ /_ 18 s _Daily Score _____/_ 18 s _ Teacher Comments: Please state briefly any specific behaviors or achievements that demonstrate Josh ’ s progress. AM to Midmorning ___________________________________________ Midmorning to Lunch _________________________________________ Lunch ____________________________________________________ ETC
19 Name: Date: SafetyOrganizationAchievementRespect Block Block Block Block Name: SafetyOrganizationAchievementRespect Date:Keep hands to self Turn in homework Do my own work Raise hand to talk Block Block Block Block Individualize this way, if you need to provide specific prompts
20 Name: Date:Block 1Block 2Block 3Block 4 Safety0 1 2 Organization0 1 2 Achievement0 1 2 Respect0 1 2 Name: Date: Pencil sharpened Homework completed Raise hand to talk Be on timeKeep hands to self 1. Check in Music on MWF PE on T TH Math Lunch Recess Language arts Snack Research projects Too individualized
21 BEP Weekly Features Six primary goals 1.Summarize weekly data for each BEP student 2.Prioritize students 3.Use data to make decisions 4.Award reinforcers 5.Discuss potential new candidates for BEP 6.Assign tasks to relevant staff members
22 BEP Weekly Features Summarize weekly data for each BEP student –Only one or two persons are responsible for entering the data on a daily basis –Enter the percentage of points earned by each student on the BEP –Data should be graphed and brought to weekly BEP meetings where the team can review them.
23 BEP Weekly Features Prioritize Students –The BEP Coordinator should be able to quickly look at the graphs and determine Students making goals Students not making goals Students with variable performance –Coordinator chooses up to 5 students of concern to prioritize for the BEP meeting. –Each of the “priority students” is discussed in detail at the team meeting to make data-based decisions.
24 BEP Weekly Features Use data to make decisions –If 4 of the last 6 data points are below the aim line (80% of points earned), the team must consider making a change to the intervention Consideration of function of behavior
25 BEP Weekly Features Use data to make decisions
26 BEP Weekly Features Use data to make decisions
27 BEP Weekly Features Use data to make decisions
28 BEP Weekly Features Use data to make decisions
29 BEP Weekly Features Use data to make decisions
30 BEP Weekly Features Use data to make decisions
31 BEP Weekly Features Award Reinforcers –Determine the frequency of reinforcement –Attach a copy of the student’s graph to the reinforcer
32 BEP Weekly Features Discuss New Candidates for the BEP –Staff must be aware that BEP is in place and how to access it – Referral Form –Guiding Criteria for entry into BEP Repeated pattern of problem behavior in more than one setting or with more than one teacher/staff member Problem behavior has negative consequences on student’s social relationships with peers or adults, disrupts education (own or others) Problem behavior not dangerous to self or others
33 BEP Weekly Features Assign Tasks –The BEP meeting generates a “Things to Do” list –Use of Action Plan to outline what needs to be done, by whom, and by when
34 BEP Quarterly Features Critical features –Provide feedback to teachers and staff –Provide feedback to students and families
35 BEP Quarterly Features Acknowledges the right of parents, staff, and students to be informed about their school and child Maintain interest and involvement Recognize and encourage accomplishments Point out areas for improvement and achieve collaboration in meeting those goals
36 BEP Quarterly Features Feedback to Teachers and Staff –How many students have been served? –Consistent participation from students and staff? –What is the impact on individual student behavior? –What is the impact on school climate? –What has been working well? –What are the obstacles? –How can we remove the obstacles? –Which students and staff deserve recogintion?
37 Identification of Students for the BEP Best way is to track discipline referrals –Who has been referred? –How many times? –For what problems? –Under what circumstances?
38 Need Intensive Support May Benefit from BEP
39 Identification of Students for the BEP BehaviorTimeDateSettingReferred by Noncompliance10:459/18/08ArtTeacher Disruption12:1512/01/2008LunchroomLunch monitor Inappropriate language 9:001/28/2009Language ArtsTeacher Noncompliance2:303/3/2009HallwayTeacher Noncompliance10:0003/25/2009MathTeacher Student Name: __Student AC__________
40 Identification of Students for the BEP Most appropriate for students “At Risk” –Have “low-level” problem areas Talk-outs Come unprepared Talk back Minor disruptions Interferences with learning, but not dangerous
41 Identification of Students for the BEP Elementary –Difficulty taking turns –Refuse to share materials –Difficulty staying on task –Minor aggression toward peers Secondary –Inappropriate language –Frequently tardy –Defiant toward adults –Refuse to do work Regardless of the age/grade, the key is to identify those students who have a consistent pattern of problem behavior that has not yet reached the dangerous or serious level.
42 Behavior Education Program (BEP) – An Evidenced-Based Tier 2 Intervention BEP DVD In this DVD – look for: –How students are selected for the CICO –Check-in –Teacher Feedback Positive, corrective, ignore minor problem behavior –Check-out –Data for decision making –Non-examples of how to implement the CICO –Parent involvement
43 Behavior Education Program (BEP) – An Evidenced-Based Tier 2 Intervention (18 min DVD)
44 Getting a BEP System Started Need to lay a strong foundation to build a sustainable system BEP Implementation Readiness Questionnaire –Assess if the school has the critical features in place for successful implementation
45 Establishing the BEP System Personnel assigned Determine problems to be addressed by BEP –Academic –Behavior –Academic and Behavior Determine goals for students Tracking system for student progress All staff in-service on how to implement Provide information to parents/caregivers
46 Personnel Needs Primary Responsibilities of BEP Coordinator Lead morning check-in Lead afternoon check- out Enter DPR data on a daily basis Maintain records Process referrals Create BEP graphs for BEP team meetings Prioritize students Gather supplemental info for BEP meetings Lead BEP meetings Complete any tasks assigned at BEP meeting
47 TaskFrequencyDurationTotal Time/week Morning Check-in5 times per week30 minutes150 minutes Afternoon Check-out5 times per week minutes50-75 minutes Enter DPR data5 times per week20 minutes100 minutes Maintain records5 times per week15 minutes75 minutes Prioritize BEP students1 time per week20 minutes Process BEP referralsAs needed10 – 20 minutes minutes Create BEP graphs1 time per week30 minutes Gather supplemental infoAs needed30 – 90 minutes Lead BEP meetings1 time per week30 – 45 minutes Complete tasks from BEP meetings As needed60 – 120 minutes TOTAL TIME9 – 12 hours
48 BEP Coordinator Makes sure that student has necessary materials for the day Reminds student to follow school rules
49 BEP Coordinator Leading Check-in/Check-out First and last contact with school for the day –Start and end day on a positive –Must be someone students enjoy and trust Occurs at established time and location –Morning check-ins should end before the first class starts
50 BEP Coordinator Leading Morning Check-in –Greet each child individually –Collect the signed (by parents) DPR from the previous day –Check to see student has necessary items for day (provide if necessary) –Student takes new DPR, signs and dates it –Prompt student to have a good day and meet his/her goals –Give student token for checking in successfully
51 BEP Coordinator Enter DPR Data onto Spreadsheet and Maintain Records –Enter on a DAILY basis File DPR into a student file folder Accessible to BEP team members, but confidentiality must be maintained
52 BEP Coordinator Processing BEP Referrals for Assistance –Referral forms should be centrally located and available to staff –Contact referring staff member for further information if necessary –Bring referral to team meeting to discuss the candidate –Follow up with referring staff member on team’s decision
53 BEP Coordinator Creating BEP Graphs for BEP Team Meetings –Create graph for each student –Presented in the same manner for each student
54 BEP Coordinator Prioritizing Students and Gathering Supplemental Information for BEP Meeting –Examine performance on DPR, attendance, detentions, suspensions, etc. –Select 3 to 5 students to discuss at BEP meeting
55 BEP Coordinator Leading the BEP Meetings –Assure each agenda item is discussed and resolved in efficient timeline Completing Any Task Assigned at the BEP Meetings –Some, but not all, of the tasks will go to the BEP coordinator
56 BEP Team Responsibilities –Attend weekly BEP meetings –Contribute to decisions regarding BEP students –Conduct orientation meetings with students and families –Gather supplemental information –Contribute to staff development –Complete any tasks assigned at the BEP meeting
57 BEP Team Getting Started –Develop Daily Progress Report Forms –Develop Structure for Meetings –Develop Request for Assistance forms and make decisions about referrals
58 Alternative Models of BEP Leadership Check-in/Check-out and data management - educational assistant Other leadership duties – counselor/administrator Assign a substitute for CI/CO person
59 Resources Time –BEP Meetings –Coordinator’s schedule and responsibilities –Teach the program to staff and students Budget –Personnel –Materials –Incentives
60 Resources Staff and Student Commitment –Give BEP high profile within school –Stress positive aspects of BEP –Ensure BEP is not viewed as punishment –Involve referring teachers and staff in process –Provide regular feedback
61 Staff Training Making a referral Providing supplementary information Rating the student on the DPR Giving specific, effective feedback to the student Praising and encouraging the student for appropriate behavior
62 Participating Students and Parents Purpose of BEP Individual BEP goals How DPR is used by teachers How DPR is scored How school keeps track of data How student is informed of progress What happens when student makes goals What happens when student doesn’t make goals How to check-in How to check-out How to give DPR to teacher How to get parent signature and return DPR
63 Removing Students From the BEP Look at BEP data Consider removing students on a monthly or quarterly basis Identify students who have met their BEP goals (n > 80% of points) for at least 4 weeks If team decides to remove the student, use a gradual fading process –Self-monitoring
64 Using Self-Management to Fade BEP Support Goal: increase student responsibility and ability to manage own behavior Shift from teacher ratings to student ratings of own behavior
65 Using Self-Management to Fade BEP Support Teacher and student rate behavior simultaneously and compare ratings at the end of each period If discrepancy, the teacher’s score is assumed to be accurate Teacher explains reason for his or her decision Can provide some small rewards for accuracy
66 Using Self-Management to Fade BEP Support Removing the teacher-rating component –First week – teacher provides rating 4 out of 5 days –Second week – teacher provides rating 3 out of 5 days –Student rating is used on the days that the teacher does not provide the ratings
67 Using Self-Management to Fade BEP Support Data collection is crucial at this point –Can fade CI/CO, but student must continue to turn in the DPR –BEP data during fading will show if the behavior Stays the same Worsens Improves
68 Using Self-Management to Fade BEP Support Explaining the fading process to the student –Adult explains that team is pleased with the student’s progress –Believes the student demonstrated maturity and is ready to be responsible for own behavior –Share the student’s data –Reward with making student manager of own behavior –Student practices using self-management card several times
69 Frequently Asked Questions What if the student does not check in in the morning? What if the student does not check out in the afternoon? What if the student is consistently not checking in or checking out?
70 Frequently Asked Questions What if several students are not checking in and out? What if the student loses his or her BEP Daily Progress Report? What if staff are not implementing the BEP correctly?
71 Frequently Asked Questions What if the parents or caregivers are not following through or use the BEP as a punitive system? What if a student is consistently participating in the BEP and his or her behavior gets worse?