What is Parliamentary Procedure? Kevin Hicks Red Mountain FFA
What is Parliamentary Procedure? A predetermined set of rules that governs the way business is conducted
Taps of the Gavel One tap- Announces the result of a vote, to get attention, or to indicate to the members that they should be seated, ends meeting. Two taps- Calls the meeting to order. Three taps- Indicates to all members that they should rise/stand. Series of taps- Restores order in the meeting.
Basic Definitions Quorum: more than half of active membership Chair: The presiding officer who officiates and mediates the conducting of business at the meeting Minutes: Notes taken on the motions, discussion, and voting during a meeting. Majority: more than half of those voting 2/3 Majority: 2/3 or more of those voting Motion: A proposal by a member to take a particular action Nominate: To propose an individual for office
Why use Parliamentary Procedure? Focus on one item at a time - no more than one issue is discussed Extend courtesy to everyone - all members have an opportunity to participate Observe the rule of the majority - no group decision is granted without majority Ensure the rights of the minority - all members have equal access to decision-making
The Role of Members Establish and maintain effective meeting structure Every member has the right and responsibility to participate in meetings and the process of parliamentary procedure REMEMBER: Strong group discussion leads to strong decisions made by the group
Steps to Handling a Main Motion Stand Ask to be recognized by President/Chair President recognizes you by name Motion is correctly stated Motion is seconded Motion is repeated by President Motion is discussed and debated President restates motion to be voted on Motion is voted on Results of vote announced by President
Common Motions Division of Question Refer or Commit Previous Question Lay on the Table Postpone Definitely Postpone Indefinitely Point of Order
DIVISION OF A QUESTION When a motion relating to a single subject contains several parts, the parts can be separated and voted on as if they were distinct questions. Must be seconded. Is not debatable. Is amendable. Requires a majority vote. Usually done by General Consent.
REFER or COMMIT Used to send a motion to a relatively small group of selected persons (e.g., Board, committee) so that the question may be carefully investigated and put into better condition for the assembly to consider. Must be seconded. Is debatable. Is amendable. Requires a majority vote.
PREVIOUS QUESTION A motion used to bring the assembly to an immediate vote on one or more pending questions. - Stops debate. Must be seconded. Is not debatable. Is not amendable. Requires a 2/3 vote.
LAY ON THE TABLE A motion to set aside temporarily any pending business until a later time. Must be seconded. Is not debatable. Is not amendable. Requires a majority vote to bring off the table and resume discussion.
POSTPONE DEFINITELY (TO A CERTAIN TIME) A motion to put off, within limits, action on a question to a definite day, meeting, or hour, or until after a certain event. Must be seconded. Is debatable. Is amendable. Requires a majority vote.
POSTPONE INDEFINITELY Kills for the duration of the meeting. Motion can be renewed at next meeting. Debatable - Debate can go fully into the merits of the Main Motion. Affirmative vote can be reconsidered. In a Session consisting of several meetings, the suppression continues throughout the entire series of meetings.
POINT OF ORDER Calling upon the Chair of the House for a ruling and an enforcement of the rules. Not debatable, not amendable. No vote.
Effective Meeting Publish Agenda before Meeting – Each item is assigned a time limit Start the Meeting on Time Follow the Agenda End the Meeting on Time
The Importance of an Agenda An agenda is a formal listing of the business that is to be conducted at a meeting REMEMBER – a well-planned agenda is critical to a well run, organized meeting
Sample Agenda 1. Reading and approval of the minutes of the previous meeting 2. Announcements (calendar) 3. Reports of any committees, officers, or special assignments (Advisor, Finance, committees) 4. Unfinished business 5. New Business 6. Adjournment A basic agenda for FFA meetings is as follows: