Photographs of American Life and Developments from *Taken by the Farm Security Administration and Office Of War Information and stored in the Library of Congress
Sawmill at the Greensboro Lumber Co.
Southeastern Georgia
Starch Factory along Aroostook River
School Children Singing in Pie Town, New Mexico
Llano de San Juan, New Mexico Catholic Church
Merchandise Store, New Mexico
Tenant Purchaser in her Garden, Puerto Rico
Street in Village of La Vallee, St. Croix Virgin Islands
Trees in a Reforestation Project in Maryland
Central Tower From Which Cable Buckets Carry Materials to Construct Shasta Dam
Wielder working in round-house at the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad’s Proviso Yard
Lab research worker at C & NW RR’s 40 th Street Yard examining paint samples used on freight cars
Brakeman signaling with red flare, twilight departure from Chicago
Coal loaded onto a freighter at one of Pennsylvania Railroad docks, Sandusky Ohio
Dorothea Cole turns her basement into a workshop for tin plate needles needed for blood transfusion bottles
Section of batch-house at Owens- Corning Fiberglass Corporation, Toledo, Ohio
Transformer at TVA’s Chickamauga Dam, near Chattanooga, TN
Farmland in the Catskill Country in New York
House in Houston, Texas
Construction of a building on site of new steel mill—Columbia Steel Co. Geneva, Utah