E-lockbox Team08 Jian Lei: Project Manager/Builder Mu Bai: Requirements Engineer/Builder Hanadi Mardah: Life Cycle Planner/ UML Modeler Xiaochen Wang: Operational Concept Engineer/Builder Da Lu: Prototyper/Software Architect Cheng Cheng: Feasibility Analyst/ Tester Garret Catron: IIV&V / Quality Focal Point 1
● Team Strengths o Operational ●Strong Desire to Succeed o Technical ●Experienced in Web Development Remote Member Analysis 2
● Team Weaknesses o Operational ●Organization ●Communication ●Procrastination o Technical ●Lack of Security Experience ●Language Barrier Remote Member Analysis 3
● Weakness Mitigation o Operational ●Internal Deadlines and peer review ●Conscious Effort to Record all Group Communication ●Documentation o Technical ●Budget Additional Time for Presentations and Meetings ●Research Security Best Practice Remote Member Analysis 4
● All Win Conditions Agreed Upon ● Moderate Complexity ● Low Precedentedness ● WeChat and Google Drive used between on-campus and off-campus team members S/P Engineer Observations 5
Operational Concept Description(OCD) 6
Introduction - System Purpose The e-Lockbox is a highly secured web application to help foster youth access their vital life documents whenever they need them. 7
Share Vision – Program Model 8
Share Vision Benefit Chain Diagram 9
Shared Vision – Proposed New System Current Situation: -Implemented on Salesforce.com -It cannot generate their desired reports -Foster youth cannot view their documents through it -The system developed last year was not usable and secure enough 10
Proposed New System System Objectives - Capability Goals 11
Proposed New System System Objectives – Level of Service Goals 12
Proposed New System System Objectives – Constraints OG-1: Increased time savings OG-2: Easier access for youth to their documents OG-3: Improved security and usability System Objectives – Organizational Goals CO -1: PHP as a Development Language OC -2: MySQL as DBMS OC -3: Amazon S3 as Storage for documents 13
Proposed New System System Boundary and Environment Diagram 14
Proposed New System Element Relationship Diagram 15
Proposed New System Business Workflow 16
Proposed New System Business Workflow 17
Requirements 18
Prototype Security New Feature: Send Mass & Activity Code 23
Prototyping on Security E-lockbox 24
Security Strategies Https connections (need SSL) protect the information in secure Verification code prevents login from a machine / robot Personal security questions provide a method for changing password Mobile & verification prevent login from other people Errors raised when login failed 25
Security for Youths Verification code protects against brute force attacks. Every login session has a timer which after a period of inactivity automatically logs the user out. Any access of information and documents should check the session validity and the user-id. Any user login the system has a session with expiration time Youths can only view and set their own information Login failed once needs to input verification code Youths can only access their own documents 26
Amazon S3 used as a safe file storage service. Deleting accounts on the system needs admin’s authorization. Security for Case Managers All life documents are stored on Amazon S3 Deleting Youth accounts needs admin’s authorization 27
Administrator can access the System Logs to view activities of all users: login, logout, documents upload / update / access. Deleting Case Manager accounts in the system needs confirmation. Security for Administrator Logs record all users’ activities of system and document access Deleting Case Manager accounts needs confirmation 28
Prototyping on New Feature E-lockbox 29
Description: When Administrator & Case Manager Log in The Menu has the Mass Feature When they click the Menu, They System will show them step 1 of sending mass (Specify the recipients to include) 30
Description: When Create New Group, Users have to enter the group name, and specify filter criteria. 31
Group 32
Description: Users can choose a default group or his own group Click Go! 33
Description: Users choose the recipients 34
Description: The step 2: select an template and preview a template 35
Description: Users can preview the template they will use when send a mass 36
Description: Users can also to Create and Edit the Template at the Setting menu 37
Description: The step 3: Users enter the mass name and choose a delivery option to review and confirm the 39
Description: The last step, the system will show them the result of sending mass 40
MCS-Worksource Centers FU-Follow up CR-Community Resource and Referral AD-Administrative Duties IC-Individual Counseling CM-Case Management WS-Workshop SV-School Visit HV-Home Visit 41
Activity Code 42
Activity Code 43
Activity Code 44
Description: Users can export the result into CSV formate and link to the specify case. 45
Architecture Jian Lei 46
System Context Diagram 47
Artifacts & Information Diagram 48
Use Case Behavior Diagram 49
Life cycle is to improve the quality and quantity of the project and support client relationship. Also, it is to track project and minimize the risk exposure. strategy ● weekly meetings, , wechat, and google drive sharing documents, · ● Progress report and Project plan are living documents that we can edit bi-weekly to correct them. ● We also should submit our own effort report in the greenbay system. In addition, we use Bugzilla to record our process and bugs. Foundations phase; 1. To identify more clearly operational concepts, win agreements, architecture, feasibility evidences and life cycle. 2. To use appropriate tool and strategies to remove defects, errors, and bugs from code. 3. To implements the security prototype/ product demo 4. To start test the security features in the prototype. Life Cycle plan 50
Key stakeholder responsibilities Client/case manager -administer Provide with feedback for requirements specification, prototype and interact with developers Jian Lei (Jay) Manager / Builder Provide detailed project plan and record project progress biweekly and Update meeting report on bugzilla Hanadi Mardah UML modeler / Life cycle planer Provide a new version of LCP and Develop support plan and Help developer to understand code and Help team to mitigate any risks Mu Bai (Charles) Requirement Engineer / Builder Provide the first Define Interfaces for All Features Need to be Developed and Detailed Designed the New System Xiaochen Wang (Tina) Operational Concept Engineer / Builder Improve OCD and Help other teammates to better understand Operational Concepts Da Lu (Daniel) Prototyper / Software Architect Prototype and evaluate various alternatives and ensure technology readiness for needed capabilities Cheng Cheng (Darwen) Feasibility Analyst / Tester Provide a new version of feasibility evidence description(FED) and Discover unexpected risks Garret Catron IIV&V / Quality Focal Point Ensure Quality and Verify all documents to ensure standards are being met. Track bugs and defects through Bugzilla 51
Project Plan ● One semester (13 weeks) working by 7 team members in each semester. Total estimated effort ● The project already developed from last semester so the rest of the development will be in next semester, which equals to three-four months - All modules will be implemented by PHP programming language. - We continue to use of PHP framework, laravel. - We continue to use of Amazon S3 to store vital documents. Life Cycle plan 52
Resource Estimation 53
Resource Estimation 54
Cheng Feasibility Evidence 55
Program Model Assumptions People will use the system & find it to be more usable and secure than before. StakeholdersInitiativesValue PropositionsBeneficiaries ∙ Developer ∙ Maintainer ∙LivingAdvantage ∙ Develop the system ∙Train admins, case managers about usage and maintenance ∙ Increased time savings ∙ Easier access for youth to their documents ∙Improved security and usability ∙ Youth ∙Admins and case managers Cost (Cost factors) ∙ Money spent for web services and website ∙ Developers’ time ∙Clients’ time Benefits (Key performance indicators – KPIs) ∙ Admins and case managers save time using this system to manage documents. ∙Youth kids are able to receive services and resources from the community on a consistent basis. 56
Personnel Costs Cost Analysis ActivitiesTime Spent (Hours) Valuation and Foundations Phases: Time invested Client meeting via , phone or other channels 2hrs/(week*person) Client Representatives: Meeting via , phone, and other channels. 2hrs/(week*person) Architecture Review Boards 2hrs/(week*person) Development and Operation Phases: Time invested Client meeting via , phone or other channels 2hrs/(week*person) Client Representatives: Meeting via , phone, and other channels. 2hrs/(week*person) Architecture Review Boards 2hrs/(week*person) Total 72hrs Maintenance (Yearly) 10hrs/month * 12 month 120hrs 57
Hardware and Software Costs Cost Analysis TypeCostRationale Domain name$36/year Including mylaspace.com mylaspace.net mylaspace.org Hardware VPS hosting $5/month Digital Ocean Isolated hosting for the system to ensure security SSL certificate$149/year*Secure login and transport encryption Amazon S3 Free for up to documents at ~200kb each (4.7gb) for the first year. $6/year thereafter for 10gb of storage Offsite secure file storage and/or backup Total $251 Maintenance$35-$40/hr and 10hr/month Hire an IT engineer to maintain the system. Total: $4200-$
Benefit Analysis Current activities & resources used% ReduceTime Saved (Hours/Year) Case Management Case creation and tracking(20hr/(week*person)) 25260/person Document Management Vital document upload(10hr/(week*person)) 30152/person Report Generation Custom reports(6hr/(week*person)) 2578/person User Management User management(4hr/(week*person)) /person Total520 /person 59
ROI Analysis Year Cost (Money Spent) Benefit (Effort Saved) (Money Saved) Cumulative Cost Cumulative Benefit ROI They have one administrator and five case managers. One hour for the administrator worth $60 while one hour for a case manager worth $35. 60
Level of Service Feasibility Architecture Feasibility Level of Service RequirementProduct Satisfaction LOS-1: Usability: The system shall be easy to use for kids and case managers. Product Strategies: Interface Specification, UI Flexibility. Process Strategies: Prototyping, Usage Monitoring & Analysis Analysis: Build a friendly interface for users offering high usability. Using prototyping, usage monitoring & analysis to guide the design process. LOS-2: Data Size: This system should handle large data. Product Strategies: Domain Architecture-driven Process Strategies: Performance Analysis, Simulation, Test Plans & Tools. Analysis: Define database in the Architecture and using test strategies to test the system. LOS-3: Security: All the documents must be stored securely. Product Strategies: Domain Architecture-driven. Process Strategies: Prototyping, Performance Analysis, Simulation, Test Plans & Tools. Analysis: Define security strategies in the Architecture and using test strategies to test the system. 61
Risk Assessment Risks Risk Exposure Risk Mitigations Potential Magnitude Probability Loss Risk Exposure Team may fail to communicate properly leading to loss in productivity, etc. 326 Have weekly meetings and encourage open communication always. Team may not have adequate skills for the tasks at hand Identify all required skills through analyzing project requirements and either negotiate scope such that those skills are no longer needed or start developing those skills. Team may run out of time before finishing project 8324 Make a feasible and practical plan, negotiate an appropriate scope with the client Users may have difficulty learning how to use the new system 8324 Provide extensive training on using the system, and receive feedback from users and clients while developing the system. Product delivered is not secure Active test for security exploits and check each other’s work for proper security methods. Exploit is discovered in the future Provide extensive documentation on the product and provide training to the client in order for them to be able to fix any security issues at a later date. The client’s definition of easy to use leads to scope creep through adding more features Clear communication with client to specifically define all desired features up front and negotiate which are most important to limit scope creep. Security makes certain ease-of-use features impossible 9436 Once all features are defined ensure that they can be done securely in a reasonable timeframe and inform the client which features are too costly. 62
NDI/NCS Interoperability Analysis NDI/NCS ProductsPurposes Apache/NginxWeb server MySQLDatabase server Amazon S3File storage web service LaravelPHP MVC framework 63
64 Personas – Admin - Michelle Basic Demographic: Age: 42 Occupation: Administrator Hometown: Los Angeles Marital Status: Married Description Michelle is the administrator of a foster youth organization. She has five case managers working under her who actually interact with the youths and refer difficult cases to her. Goals & Aspirations -Manage and audit -Get information from reports to provide numbers to government agencies Attributes -Busy Information Sources -Newspaper -Radio -Online sources
65 Personas–Case Manager–Mary Basic Demographic: Age: 22 Occupation: Case Manager Hometown: Los Angeles Marital Status: Single Description Mary is a new case manger at the firm. She routinely visits foster youth at their homes and collects information Goals & Aspirations -Access to device- friendly interface -Easy ability to take pictures and add current information about the youth she works with. Attributes -Outgoing -Has an iPad, cellphone and laptop she uses in the field.
66 Personas–General staff-Damien Basic Demographic: Age: 20 Occupation: General User Hometown: Los Angeles Marital Status: Divorced Description Damien is a student taking a part time job and livingadvatage. Goals & Aspirations -Help case manager about the case. Attributes -Not very good with technology
67 Personas–Maintainer–Chaz Basic Demographic: Age: 26 IT practitioner Description Chaz is a IT practitioner and take a part time job at livingadvantage. Goals & Aspirations -Ensure the system is on good condition Attributes - Techie
68 Personas–Youth User–Lucy Basic Demographic: Age: 17 Student Description Dana is a senior in high school looking to get into college. He also wants to get a driving license and scholarships. Goals & Aspirations -Easy access to printable documents -Contact with case manager for possible scholarships and awards. Attributes - Not very technologically savvy
69 Personas – Admin – Lauren Basic Demographic: Age: 42 Occupation: Administrator Hometown: Los Angeles Marital Status: Married Description Michelle is the administrator of a foster youth organization. She has five case managers working under her who actually interact with the youths and refer difficult cases to her. Goals & Aspirations -Manage and audit -Get information from reports to provide numbers to government agencies Attributes -Busy Information Sources -Newspaper -Radio -Online sources
70 Personas–Case Manager–Sarah Basic Demographic: Age: 22 Occupation: Case Manager Hometown: Los Angeles Marital Status: Single Description Mary is a new case manger at the firm. She routinely visits foster youth at their homes and collects information Goals & Aspirations -Access to device- friendly interface -Easy ability to take pictures and add current information about the youth she works with. Attributes -Outgoing -Has an iPad, cellphone and laptop she uses in the field.
71 Personas–General staff-John Basic Demographic: Age: 20 Occupation: General User Hometown: Los Angeles Description Damien is a student taking a part time job and Livingadvantage. Goals & Aspirations -Help case manager about the case. Attributes -Not very good with technology
72 Personas–Maintainer–Jack Basic Demographic: Age: 26 IT practitioner Description Chaz is a IT practitioner and take a part time job at Livingadvantage. Goals & Aspirations -Ensure the system is on good condition Attributes - Techie
73 Personas–Youth User–Lucy Basic Demographic: Age: 17 Student Description Dana is a senior in high school looking to get into college. He also wants to get a driving license and scholarships. Goals & Aspirations -Easy access to printable documents -Contact with case manager for possible scholarships and awards. Attributes - Not very technologically savvy
Traceability Matrix OCDWin-WinSSADTest Case OC-1 Document Management WC_3332 WC_3331 WC_3325UC_2 WC_3330UC_6 UC_15 OC-2 Case ManagementWC_3329UC_7 UC_12 WC_3326UC_4 OC-3 Report GenerationWC_3324UC_3 OC-4 User ManagementWC_3333 WC_3327UC_1 UC_5 UC_10 UC_13 UC_9 UC_11 UC_14 UC_15 OC-5 Mass WC_3328UC_8 74
Defect Identification All deliverables are submitted for peer review Feedback from the client is sought out for requirements 75
Quality Management Strategy Bugzilla used for defect tracking Weekly meeting for review of work Internal Deadlines used to provide time for review Google Drive used as repository for all project documents WeChat used as group messenger Revision control for source code not yet selected 76
Thank You! 77