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This module will focus on your role as the Chairperson of the District Governor’s Advisory Committee. At the end of this module, you will be able to: Understand the obligations and objectives of the zone chairperson at the zone level Establish collaborative efforts to maintain healthy and active clubs in the zone Access resources to promote the health and development of clubs within the zone Click arrow to advance slide.
Module 3: Zone Chairperson and the District Governor’s Advisory Committee Zone Chairperson Self-Guided Training Click arrow to advance slide.
The objectives of the District Governor’s Advisory Committee Turn to page 1 in your workbook.
The District Governor’s Advisory Committee is comprised of: The Zone Chairperson Presidents of clubs within the zone Secretaries of clubs within the zone Click arrow to advance slide. As a team, this committee works towards five important objectives.
Click arrow to advance to next section Five important objectives of the district governor's advisory committee. Click on a box to reveal an objective of the district governor’s advisory committee
Click to return to Objectives Ensure every club in your zone operates efficiently and follows the Association’s Constitution and By-Laws
Help clubs that need assistance with membership growth or leadership development Click to return to Objectives
Promote various zone-wide functions and events, such as: inter-club meetings installation of club officers induction of new members ceremonies honoring Key Award recipients charter nights Click to return to Objectives
Promote attendance at the district, multiple district and international conventions Click to return to Objectives
Make recommendations on matters affecting all clubs in the district Click to return to Objectives
The zone chairperson is also responsible for completing and submitting a District Governor’s Advisory Committee Meeting Report after each meeting. Click arrow to advance slide.
This report provides information on club status and allows the zone chairperson to forward committee recommendations to the district cabinet. Click arrow to advance slide. The District Governor’s Advisory Committee Meeting Report will be discussed at the end of the next section. Advisory Committee District Cabinet Zone Chairperson The zone chairperson is also responsible for completing and submitting a District Governor’s Advisory Committee Meeting Report after each meeting.
Advisory Committee Meetings Click arrow to advance slide. Turn to page 2 in your workbook.
Click arrow to advance slide. The district governor's advisory committee is expected to meet at least three times annually. Click to view suggested topics of discussion at each advisory committee meeting
Click arrow to advance slide. The first committee meeting can be used to discuss all or some of the following: The general welfare of clubs in the zone The duties of the club officers The goals of the district governor and the zone chairperson The association’s international theme Opportunities for new service projects The importance of timely submission of Monthly Membership Reports The rules for the Club Excellence Award 1 2 3
Click arrow to advance slide. The second committee meeting can provide an opportunity to discuss: Updates on the progress towards clubs’ goals Clubs’ membership recruitment and retention plans New member sponsor responsibilities New member induction and orientation Leadership development needs among clubs Potential communities where new clubs can be organized
Click arrow to advance slide. The third and final required meeting can be used to discuss: Leadership development Election and installation of future club leaders Club officer transition An annual audit of a club’s funds Club delegates and alternates for the district, multiple district and international conventions End of the year club awards
2 4 Click arrow to advance slide. 13 The zone chairperson has the option of holding a fourth meeting, which can be used as a celebratory meeting to honor past or present club officers.
Click arrow to advance slide. After each meeting, the zone chairperson needs to complete and submit a District Governor’s Advisory Committee Meeting Report (da-zcm).
Click arrow to advance slide. A full page sample has been reproduced on page 3 of your workbook. This will enable you to make succinct notes on the status of clubs in your zone, highlighting challenges that need to be addressed as well as leadership and membership development activities in which clubs have participated.
Planning Effective Meetings Click arrow to advance slide. Turn to page 4 in your workbook.
The best way to meet the objectives of the district governor’s advisory committee is to have frequent communication with the clubs in the district and effective committee meetings. Click arrow to advance slide. What items should the zone chairperson consider when planning an advisory committee meeting? Space has been provided for notes on page 4 of your workbook. When you are ready, click on the arrow to see some sample suggestions.
When planning an advisory committee meeting, the zone chairperson should consider: Click arrow to advance slide. A meeting date and time when a majority of clubs can be represented Providing meeting notices/reminders well in advance Asking someone to be the recording secretary Preparing an agenda for each meeting Providing name tags for all attendees Encouraging attendees to share their thoughts and ideas Sending the meeting minutes to all club presidents and encouraging them to share the information with their club members. Do these match some of your ideas? Use the space provide on page 4 to take additional notes.
The zone chairperson should encourage an open exchange of ideas regarding programs, projects, fundraising and membership issues in the zone. This will help enhance cooperative relationships between clubs. Click arrow to advance slide.
Resources Click arrow to advance slide. Turn to page 5 in your workbook.
Model District Governor Advisory Committee Meetings, available through the Zone and Region Chairperson Center on the LCI website, is a resource which provides sample agendas, meeting minutes guidelines, meeting checklist and evaluation. Click arrow to advance slide.
The GLT-D and GMT-D are important sources of support for clubs needing assistance with leadership or membership development. The zone chairperson may want to consider inviting members of these teams to the District Governor's Advisory Committee meetings. Click arrow to advance slide.
The Leadership Resource Center has several presentations for speaking engagements, which can be used during committee meetings to introduce topics such as: the importance of developing new leaders nurturing new clubs benefits of creating a Blueprint for a Stronger Club membership resources Excellence awards Click arrow to advance slide.
The Lions Learning Center offers several courses that focus on: developing leadership skills managing others achieving results effective communication These courses are beneficial to both committee members and club members. Click arrow to advance slide.
Blueprint for a Stronger Cub, the Club Quality Initiative and the Certified Guiding Lion Program are tools to assist in club development. Click arrow to advance slide.
Additional information, along with other valuable resources, can be found in the Zone and Region Chairperson Center on the LCI website. Click arrow to advance slide.
Quick Check Are you ready to take on your responsibilities? Review the questions on page 6 of the workbook. If you are not able to answer affirmatively, make time in your schedule to find the answers and make plans as necessary. Click arrow to advance slide.
Module Summary The zone chairperson, as chairperson of the district governor’s advisory committee, is an important link between the district and the clubs in the zone. Click arrow to advance slide. Advisory Committee District Cabinet Zone Chairperson
Module Summary Effective communication skills and committee meetings will also provide the zone chairperson with a clear understanding of the status of the clubs in the zone. Click arrow to advance slide. Advisory Committee District Cabinet Zone Chairperson
Advisory Committee District Cabinet Zone Chairperson Module Summary The District Governor’s Advisory Committee Meeting Report will allow the zone chairperson to maintain concise notes on the activities and challenges of the club, and provide recommendations to the district cabinet. Click arrow to advance slide.
This concludes module 3: Zone Chairperson and the District Governor’s Advisory Committee Have we met our objectives? Examined the obligations and objectives of the zone chairperson at the zone level Discussed collaborative efforts to maintain healthy and active clubs in the zone Evaluated resources to help support clubs in the zone Click arrow to advance slide.
Thank you for your participation. Please access the following modules to complete the self-guided training. Module 1: Roles and Responsibilities Overview Module 2: Zone Chairperson as the Administrative Officer of the Zone Module 4: Zone Chairperson as Member of the District Cabinet If you have any questions, please contact: Click arrow to advance slide.