Praying for Guinea
Politics: Military junta took control in December 2008 at the of death of President Lansana Conte, who seized power in a coup 24 years earlier. A provisional government supervised the transition to civilian rule at the end of 2010 Economy: Guinea is a leading bauxite exporter, but most of its people live on less than $1 a day Health: One of the countries badly affected by the deadly Ebola epidemic which hit west Africa in 2014
Praying for Guinea
Population: 10,057,975 Religion: 84% Muslim, 9% Trad. Ethnic, 4% Christian Language: French GDP Per Capita: $1,313 (cf. UK $39,511) (IMF) Under 5 mortality: 101 /1,000 live births (cf. UK 5/1,000) Literacy rate: 30.4% Life expectancy: 56 years (cf. UK 81 years)
Praying for Guinea " Fisher women on River Niger in Guinea, Africa" by Julien Harneis. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 via Commons - Niger_in_Guinea,_Africa.jpg
Praying for Guinea
Praying for Guinea: malaria "Mosquitonet149". Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Commons -
Praying for Guinea: Ebola
"P PE Training (2)" by CDC Global - PPE Training. Licensed under CC BY 2.0 via Commons -