SoLID: large acceptance, capable of handling high luminosity (up to~10 39 with baffle, up to ~10 37 without baffle) Ideal for precision Inclusive-DIS (PVDIS) and SIDIS experiments Excellent for selected exclusive reactions (ex. J/Psi) Five high impact experiments approved ( 4 with “A” rating, 1 A- rating): PVDIS, E SIDIS: E (He3-T), E (He3-L), E (p-T) J/Psi: E SoLID Overview/Physics J. P. Chen, Hall A Meeting, 12/18/2012
Nucleon Structure with SoLID Semi-inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering program: Large Acceptance + High Luminosity + Polarized targets 4-D mapping of asymmetries Tensor charge, TMDs … Lattice QCD, QCD Dynamics, Models. International collaboration (8 countries, 50+ institutes and 190+ collaborators) Rapid Growth in US‐China Collaboration (2 grants from NSFC + MOU) Chinese Hadron collaboration (USTC, CIAE, PKU, Tsinghua U, +) - large GEM trackers - MRPC-TOF Five experiments approved for SoLID with two having Chinese collaborators as co-spokesperson (Li from CIAE and Yan from USTC) Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID)
Parity Violation with SoLID Parity-violating Deep Inelastic Scattering: High Luminosity on LD2 and LH2 Better than 1% errors for small bins over large range kinematics Test of Standard Model Quark structure: charge symmetry violation quark-gluon correlations b(x): weak coupling a(x): quark structure information
Magnet: Continue work with CLEO magnet /support BaBar option: Decision to go with CLEO Simulations: Baffle, GEM/tracking/DAQ inputs, … Background, neutrons Detectors: “finalize” conceptual design Light Cherenkov, support, PMT (Temple+), backup:HBD (Stonybrook) Heavy Cherenkov, support (Duke+) Calorimeters (UVa/Los Alamos+) GEMs (UVa+): Large size, Readout, R&D with SuperBB GEMs- China: foil production, medium size, readout MRPC (Tsinghua+) DAQ (JLab/UMass): concern GEM readout size solution (with de-convolution, 1 sample) Other sub-systems: Targets Beam Polarimetry, … SoLID Status Update from Collaboration Meeting Whit/Zhiwen Seamus/Lorenzo Micheal Tom Mehdi/Gary Jin Nilanga Yuxiang Yi W. Yi Q. Dave/Chris Kent
SoLID Collaborators from China
Charge for Director’s Review (Rolf’s talk last meeting) 1 st draft of technical write-up on SoLID (~80%) baseline equipment list rough cost (exclude GEMs (China), DAQ/electronics(JLab)): ~$25-30M JLab input to NSAC sub-committee SoLID funding profile , request US funding ~$35M Schedule Director’s review (Late Spring/Summer?) Discuss with DOE Submit MIE (late 2013?) CD process ( ?) Preparation “Freeze” the conceptual design on susbsystems (Dec. 2012) Move forward with the magnet (decision on Babar option) Design support structure, integration, configuration change-over More detailed cost/manpower estimation Sub-system responsibilities / R&D needs Finalize the technical document (Jan/Feb?) Resources: attract more collaborators, other sources of funding SoLID Status Update (cont.)
Responsibilities 1)Overall (EB): Paul Souder (EB chair), J.P. Chen (PM), Haiyan Gao, Z-.E., Meziani 2)Magnet: Paul Reimer / Zhiwen Zhao 3)GEM-US: Nilanga Liyanange / Kondo Gnanvo 4)GEM-China: Zhengguo Zhao / Xiaomei Li 5)Forward Calorimeter: Xiaochao Zheng / Zhiwen Zhao 6)Large Angle Calorimeter: Jin Hunag / W&M? 7)Light Cherenkov: Zein-Eddine Meziani / Michael Paolone 8)Heavy Cherenkov: Haiyan Gao / Mehdi Meziane 9)DAQ/Electronics: Alexandre Camsonne / Rory Miskimen 10)Simulation/Background: Seamus Riordan / Lorenzo Zana 11) Baffle Supporting Structure: Seamus Riordan 12)Reconstruction/Analysis Software: Ole Hansen/? 12)MRPC: Yi Wang 13)Calibration/Integration: Robert Michaels / Xin Qian 14)HBD: Tom Hemmicks 15)Polarimetry: Kent Paschke / Wouter Deconinck 16)Cryo-target: Dave Meekins / Jian-ping Chen 17)Polarized 3He Target: Jian-ping Chen/Patricia Solvignon 18)Polarized Proton Target: Chris Keith / Don Crabb 19)Hall Infrastructure Modification: Robin Wines