Gateway Engineering Education Coalition The First Day of Class How to start things off right…
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition2 The First Day Sets the tone for the term A good first day provides energy for days to come Recovering from a bad first day can take some time Students and instructors desire to make a “connection” on that first day Even experienced instructors can be anxious on the first day
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition3 The First Day Often on the first day instructors: Hand out the syllabus Present an overview Begin lecturing OR dismiss the class early
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition4 The First Day Students want two things Information about the course Information about the instructor as a person Are you fair? Do you care about them? Do you care about the course?
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition5 The First Day Promote a constructive learning environment Now…how do you do it?
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition6 The First Day First impressions Self introduction Student introductions Administrative tasks Expectations Do something substantive And remember…be enthusiastic!
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition7 First Impressions Appearance is your first impression Casual emphasizes your accessibility Formal stresses your professionalism If you have any doubt about commanding your class’s attention, dress more formally Many instructors start formal and progress to more casual
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition8 Introduce Yourself Name What you want to be called Contact information Professional information Background, research interests Personal information
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition9 Student Introductions Take roll/attendance Find out what they want to be called Introduction “name game” Students introduce themselves To the class To their neighbors Fill out information cards
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition10 Administrative Tasks Attend to students not on the roster Let people know which course/section this is Review academic misconduct policy Tell people what text(s) they will need and where they can be found Establish ground rules for the class
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition11 Introduce Course Syllabus Topics to be covered Exams Grading What’s exciting about it How it will be useful…near term and long term
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition12 Expectations Classroom behavior Attendance Quality of work Level of academic expectations Workload Class participation Work in groups
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition13 Things Not to Do Do not: Neglect the real reason you are there Be too affected by students’ attitudes
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition14 References ayofClass.html m/guidebk/teachtip/101thing.htm n.html m/guidebk/teachtip/dayone.htm
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition15 References day.html www- m/guidebk/teachtip/dayone.htm
Gateway Engineering Education Coalition16 References