Understanding Student Expectations & Effective Teaching Presented by: Dr. Laura Marler Associate Professor of Management College of Business Mississippi State University
An effective teacher is A good communicator Organized Engaging A subject matter expert Enthusiastic Concerned about the learning process & outcomes Professional A good classroom manager
Building your tool chest What are your strengths? What are areas of development?
Why do student expectations matter? Shape student behavior & reactions Are influenced by YOU Are likely to change as students receive your feedback Influence course evaluation scores
Introduce yourself to the person sitting next to you Together, make a list of what you expect from your future students Now, make a list of what you think your future students will expect of you
What do you expect from your future students? My students should _______________________.
What expectations do MSU students have of you? My students will expect me to _______________________.
What classroom challenges are you likely to face? During a semester of teaching, I’m likely to encounter students who _____________________.
How should we handle these situations? Stick to the syllabus Be professional (the parent role) Get support/advice from a mentor Use humor (when appropriate) Recommend resources on campus (e.g., Student Support Services) Remember that the situation is a learning opportunity for you as well as your student
Student expectations & effective teaching go hand in hand
“Failing to plan is planning to fail.”
Resources Helpful Instructional Resources Components of a Course Syllabus Teaching Guides And Resources s/ Sample Syllabus %20Template%20Final%20Draft%20REVMay15.pdf MSU Student Honor Code Academic Calendar Final Examination Schedule Student Support Services
Course description “Three hours lecture. Compensation fundamentals, practices, and problems, including wage level determinants, wage & salary structures, merit rating, methods of wage payments, fringe benefits, & controls.” From the MSU catalogue
Start setting expectations
Help your students relate to course material
Put your course, section, & name in the subject line Be sure to sign your name!
Before Use book to find answers to HW questions Write answers to HW questions During Q & A during class (may be called upon) Answers to HW questions restated by teacher After Reduced study time due to multiple exposures to course information My teaching method
Preparing for class – EXAMPLE homework slide Sample Questions from PowerPoint Slides Cost leadership What is cost leadership? What compensation practices fit with this strategy? Differentiation What is differentiation? What compensation practices fit with this strategy? A question mark in the bottom corner of a slide indicates you need to look up the answer in your book; I will call on you during class so be prepared!!!
Preparing for class My thoughts on how to be organized… 1.Get a binder. 2.Print out slides in notes page view 3. *Only1 slide per page with 4. room to take notes*
Just a thought: Print slides in Notes View 1. Write your answers below slide in one color 2. Take notes during class in another color
Discuss the honor code as a class on the first day Include the honor code statement on assignments & exams Walk around the room during exams (let the students know that you will be doing this) Utilize the assistance of proctors for exams Establish clear guidelines as to what is and is not allowed for assignments and exams
Review grading policy close to the end of the semester Discuss the policy stated on your course syllabus Ask if there are any questions Ask students to review posted grades for accuracy Encourage students to re-evaluate course goals
Recap of tips for effective teaching 1.Create a course “to do” list for yourself 2.Be knowledgeable about University resources 3.Introduce your students to the course and yourself in an interactive way 4.Learn about your students (knowledge assessment; student profile) 5.Set expectations for professional communication 6.Use an interactive teaching method 7.Give your students tips on preparing for class 8.Check in with your students about topics of potential confusion 9.Promote academic integrity 10.Review grading policy at end of semester
Moving forward Think about your strengths and areas of potential development. How can you incorporate what you have learned today in your future teaching?