PBIS Tier 1 Coaches Training


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Presentation transcript:

PBIS Tier 1 Coaches Training Santa Clara County Office of Education Dr. Rebecca Mendiola

PBIS Coaches Training Meeting Agenda Welcome Ice Breaker OUR NORMS Confidentiality * Active participation * Professional use of technology * Assume best intentions Meeting Agenda Welcome Ice Breaker Grounding Activity Internal and External Coaching What are my roles and responsibilities? Coaching PD Evaluations PBIS Apps and PBIS Assessments Tiered Fidelity Inventory PBIS Evaluation example Voices from the Field What has been my experience as a coach? What questions do I have? What type of PBIS coaching support do I need?

Introduction Pat on the back On a post it, write a positive event or something you did over the past week, month, or year that you are proud of. Place the post it note on your back. Find a person you don’t know and introduce yourself to them. Read what they wrote on their hand print and say something positive about what they wrote and give them a pat on the back. Repeat this with others.

Meeting Outcomes By the end of this meeting, we will have reviewed the differences between external (district) coaches and internal (school site) coaches. By the end of this meeting, we will have reviewed the features of pbisapps and pbis assessments. By the end of this meeting, we will have reviewed how to conduct and score the Tiered Fidelity Inventory. By the end of the meeting, we will have reviewed how to support school sites with Action Planning after completing the TFI. By the end of the meeting, we will have designed a District PBIS Evaluation Plan. The meeting outcomes are written from the point of view of the participant. What do they expect to take with them by the end of the meeting? (knowledge, product or both?) There are two kinds of meeting outcomes. A meeting outcome can be knowledge-based or a product. When it is knowledge based, the second half of the statement must be a “so that”.   Knowledge-based: Understanding of….so that we can (do something). Example: By the end of this meeting, we will summarize the steps needed to roll out our new reading initiative so that we can create the plan next month. Products: lists, plans, decision, agreements By the end of this meeting, we will have a list of 3-5 possible technical assistance topics for internal coaches network meetings.

Internal and External Coaches Group Discussion Choose a Facilitator/Recorder Review the External (District) and Internal (School Site) Coaches Roles and Responsibilities Discuss with your group: Are you an External or Internal Coach? What are your questions as an external or internal coach? Share out

Coaching Coaching can & should happen on many levels: Establishing a relationship with administrator and team members Attending meetings on site and providing coaching/technical assistance/support Answering questions or requests from individual teams Providing support to teams during work times at trainings Passing along clear examples and ideas for teams to aid them in the development of systems at their own schools

Coaching Team Support Attend & participate in team training Meet with new teams monthly on-site Telephone/email contact as needed Frequent prompts regarding tasks, trainings, meetings, etc. “Positive” nag Meetings/ Trainings Task completion Action Planning (TIC, SAS, SET, TFI, etc) Data-Based Decision Making & On-going evaluation Communicate progress & needs to District Leadership Team to guide action planning

Keeping Teams on Track Build in Accountability Set due dates for when teams are to have materials completed Give checklists of items that are due Example…..month to month activity calendar Regularly have teams share materials or turn in progress updates of the materials they have developed Hold regular Team Leader meetings Model team meeting best practices (TIPs and positive reinforcements for team leads)

Leading PBIS Lead Meeting First meeting agenda Welcome & Introductions State Purpose of Meeting Create a regular forum for communication Provide updates Opportunity to share examples & concerns Provide input to guide district planning Schedule monthly team leader meetings Team Updates from leaders Sharing examples, successes, challenges & needs

Listen to your PBIS Team Leaders Be humble, listen and learn how to improve District support Both Student Behavior & Implementing systems change are challenging Always be looking and listening for ways to improve Over time schools have different needs, constantly be checking in with them for feedback and recommendations

PBIS Team Leaders Meeting Set up a regularly scheduled meeting Suggest monthly for beginning teams Include Leadership Meeting schedule on the PBIS Training Calendar PBIS Coach facilitates meetings Have a meeting agenda

Important Things to Remember You are the coach; you are not the Team As a Coach, your job is to make it as easy as possible for the teams to be successful in developing & implementing SW PBIS through support and modeling. Your job is to build capacity and expertise in the school site – essentially to work yourself out of a job Build Capacity I Do – We Do – You Do Facilitate PBIS Team meetings at the school sites if you are an internal coach or if you an external coach modeling how to lead an effective meeting

Networking time…. Join a group with coaches from different districts. Choose a Facilitator/Recorder Discuss with your group: How has your experience been as a PBIS Coach? Positive and Challenges? Are you thinking about holding a Lead Team Meeting? What will that look like (how often, etc.)? How often do you have a PBIS Team Lead meeting? Share ideas and suggestions on facilitating PBIS Team Lead meetings. Share out

PBIS Assessments www.pbisapps.org Measuring fidelity of implemented school-wide behavior support systems. Guides Annual Action Planning/Goals for PBIS Teams PBIS Assessment Overview https://www.pbisapps.org/Resources/Pages/PBIS-Assessment-Overview.aspx PBIS Assessment Coordinator Username and Password

Schedule of Fidelity Measurement within SWPBS Implementation   SAS TIC SET Participants Entire Staff completes online at PBISApps.org credentialed classified after school staff, etc. PBIS Team completes online at PBISApps.org 1. In-person interviews with: Principal Staff (representative) Students 2. Observations of School Campus 3. Products (Handbook, etc.) Approx. Time Needed 30 minutes to complete assessment 15 minutes to complete assessment 1.5-2 hours to complete evaluation Time Frame March/April- Submit by 5/1 1. September/October (at 2nd meeting)- Submit by 10/31 2. January/February- Submit by 2/28 3. April/May- submit by 5/1 October/November- Submit by 11/30 (for first two years) February through April- Submit by 5/1 Frequency 1x/year 3x/year (for the first two years) 2x/year -first two years of implementation Data Entry Individual Staff members submit his/her survey online at PBISApps.org PBIS Team submits one survey online at PBISApps.org PBIS Coach enters collected data online at PBISApps.org

SW PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) Purpose The purpose of the School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory is to provide an efficient and valid index of the extent to which PBIS core features are in place within a school. Tier I, Tier II, Tier III Uses of TFI Formative assessment to help school teams improve Progress monitoring - self-assess PBIS practices by tier to guide implementation efforts, and assess progress by tier Build action plan to focus implementation efforts Conducted annually State Recognition Determine schools warranting recognition for their fidelity of PBIS implementation.

TFI Walkthrough Video

Reviewing the TFI Tier I Work with your district team or table group Review Tier I What are the similarities of other assessments you’ve completed? What questions do you have? What are the positives and challenges in conducting this assessment? Share out

Reviewing the TFI Tier II Work with your district team or table group Review Tier II What are the similarities of other assessments you’ve completed? What questions do you have? What are the positives and challenges in conducting this assessment? Share out

Reviewing the TFI Tier III Work with your district team or table group Review Tier III Using the TFI Tier III Support Plan Worksheet, assess a Behavior Support Plan. What questions do you have? What are the positives and challenges in conducting this assessment? Share out

TFI Scoring and Action Planning Work with your district team or table group Review Scoring Results online and Action Planning Tool How will you support your team to begin action planning? What questions do you have? Share out

District Evaluation Plan

Schedule of Fidelity Measurement within SWPBS Implementation

Networking time…. Work with your district team or table group Review the Schedule of Fidelity Measurement from the PBIS Evaluation Blue Print Discuss and complete your District Schedule of Fidelity Measurement Share out with whole group what assessments your district will be using to measure PBIS fidelity and when your district will be conducting these assessments

Northern California PBIS Technical Assistance Center Rebecca Mendiola, Ed.D., Director Eleanor Castillo-Sumi, Ph.D., Consultant/Trainer Josh Harrower, Ph.D., Consultant/Trainer Linda Sun, Pro Expert/Trainer Patty Marques, Pro Expert/Trainer Rainbow Crane, Pro Expert/Trainer Lynn Bravewomon, Pro Expert/Trainer Myrna Zendejas, Student H&W Supervisor Janeen Salcido, Admin Asst